What the Captain doesn't know won't hurt him

May 30, 2006 09:45

Title: What the Captain doesn't know won't hurt him : part two
Author:Bookaddict and squish_67
Characters:Jayne/Kaylee, crew
Word count: 674
Comments: a collabrative effort between squish_67 and myself to write to a 50 prompt table Thanks again goes to bookishtype who as usual helped my solve my lj problems.

Prompt #2

“You’re the last person the Cap’n would suspect of harbourin’ a fugitive cat.”

Jayne petted the kitten absently, thinkin’ ‘bout Kaylee’s words. It weren’t till she took her dimply, smiley presence outta the room that her words sunk in.

He knew he was quick tempered, slower than most and often harsh, but it sorta hurt that she and the others thought that ‘bout him. That he wouldn’t even look after a cat and why would Kaylee think he’d eat it? It wouldn’t make much of a meal anyway. ‘Cause he wouldn’t eat it. Not unless he were starvin’.

The kitten mewed and bit his thumb, “gonna make a meal of me instead hey?” He grinned and shrugged, folks didn’t like him, no use worryin’ ‘bout it. Puttin’ the cat aside he went back to cleanin’ his guns.


Kaylee hummed quietly as she gathered up some food for the kitten. She helped herself to some of Inara’s powdered milk and looked round for something other than protein, which weren’t good for cats. Smilin’ to herself as she remembered the gentle way the big man cradled the kitten, she raided Jayne’s locker for the jerky she knew he hoarded there.

“Jayne know you’re going through his things?” Zoë’s voice made her jump and she whirled quickly hidin’ her preparations.

“Sure does.” Kaylee nodded and grinned, “well he grumbled first, then let me.”

Zoë raised her eyebrows at that, but to Kaylee’s relief went on her way without sayin’ anythin’ else.


“Hey Jayne, I’m back.” Kaylee glanced round Jayne’s bunk tryin’ to find the kitten.

The place was tidy like always. Beat her how he could keep such a small space that neat. Guns and knives all in their racks, clothes all hung up, bed made. Even the pinups were stuck up all careful like. She avoided lookin’ at them, they always made her uncomfortable.

“Kitten’s over there.” Jayne reminded her dryly.

Kaylee following his nod saw the little cat playin’ with a ball of wadded up paper tied to the bulkhead, next to it sat a box filled with, she guessed, the rest of the paper. “Ya made it a litter box?”


“And a toy?” She prompted him, head on the side.

“Thing’s gotta keep itself amused.”

She squatted down and put out the food dishes lookin’ back over her shoulder as she did so. “Ya said ya had a cat when ya were a kid?”

“Mmmm.” Jayne was concentratin’ on his guns again and ignorin’ her questions like always.

He talked plenty but never said nothin’ personal. She knew more ‘bout Mal and Zoë than she did him, and they was mighty close mouthed. Kaylee settled back on her haunches and watched the kitten eat, enjoyin’ the companionable silence that drifted over them.


Jayne kept his head down and avoided Kaylee’s eyes and questions. She had a way of wormin’ things outta a person. He’d seen her do it to Wash plenty of times, even Zoë and Book weren’t immune to that shiny grin and questionin’ eyes.

Not him though, he mighta given way over the kitten, but that weren’t nothin’ serious, just an opportunity to annoy Mal. He didn’t want to tell her anythin’ personal, give her the opportunity to feel sorry for him or worse still be scared of him.

“Dinner in five minutes,” the Captain’s call broke the contented quiet.

“So what we callin’ the kitten Jayne?”


“I like that! She looks like a Misty.” Kaylee bent to pat the kitten on its head. “Are ya sure she’ll be alright in here?”

“Sure.” Jayne checked that his guns were all hung proper and couldn’t be knocked off. Then made sure that the cat had it’s box and some food before following Kaylee up the ladder. He didn’t really like leavin’ the little critter all alone in his bunk. Who knew what mischief it might get up to?

“It’s not easy being a father.” River’s voice was sympathetic as she sat down beside him at the table.


jaylee, table, firefly

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