
May 28, 2006 22:34

I wrote this for squish_67 about some comments we read elswhere. Take a look if you like!

Oh no *staggers and clutches hair* I’ve written a chapter that’s less than 2000 words, less than 1000 even, in fact 90% of my chapters are less than 1000 words.

I’m currently writing a story with an animal in it…and have written another.

I sometimes post every night and hardly ever know where my story’s going. I very rarely prepare ahead! That’s not quite true. I usually have the beginning thought out, and quite often the ending. Just not the in between!

I write non-canon pairings! *shock, horror* Jayne/Kaylee, Jayne/Inara, Jayne/Zoë notice a theme here?

I have written post-BDM and have ignored the BDM.

One of my fics has a pregnant Zoe it’s Au but she is pregnant. And I’ve written pregnant Kaylee too *whimpers*

OMG I’ve written a chapter in the slash roundrobin and even written a very slight early Rayne and *stumbles* she once refers to herself in the third person!

I’ve written everyday stuff too, you know with no adventure at all in the chapter.

I drop consonants left, right and centre and use ya and yer.

Sometimes I actually say what the characters feel inside (strangely like most book fiction I’ve read. Jane Austen anyone?)

I think Jayne has brains and is not some witless, dirty hulk and write him that way.

The only thing I haven’t done is write a crossover or use homonyms or have bad grammar (my mother would die) but am probably guilty of misspelling Chinese words.

No guys I’m not going mad…I’m feeling guilty (not!) after reading the Pet peeves thread over at!
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