
Apr 01, 2008 11:37

Title: Wiliness
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Mal/Jayne
Rating: PG13 I think. There’s lots of euphemisms
Word count: 100
Comments: originally written for firefly100, prompt: redux and prompt: move. A continuation from Wiles and Wiley. Thanks to lucasharper for the read-over.

“We gotta move this some place else,” Mal gasped as his man parts got all riled up.

“Ok,” Jayne wrapped his free arm round the Captain’s neck and dragged him bunkwards.

They practically fell down the ladder and somehow Jayne’s fingers had Mal’s suspenders loosened and pants pushed down in nothing flat.

Mal fended off the wandering hands and said sternly. “Just so’s you know. I’m top.”

“Na ah.”

“Ah ha.”

“How ‘bout we take turns?” Jayne tumbled them onto the bed and cunningly used his mouth to continue the argument.

Yep. The man had wiles.

“Turns it is,” Mal groaned.


jayne, mal, drabbles, firefly100

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