Woot! and time for my weekly ramble

Nov 01, 2007 22:40

I picked up my tickets today! *does the ticket dance* Only 25 days till I leave now - the time is getting closer and I still have much to organise. They've added a few more VIPs to the line-up, so things are looking good too. I still wish for more BDHs but we can't have everything I guess. It just gives me an excuse to go to another con sometime :D

It's been 5 weeks since my eye change and the optomertrist says all is clear! At first on Friday they were all worried because there was little specks on my eyes. But after a couple more consultations and some anxious peering it seems the cells are just growing back on my cornea. They don't want to see me till December so I'm taking that as a good sign and enjoying my new found eyesight tremendously.

Today after work the little guy and I went for a swim and there were actually enough waves to go body surfing!! We don't get many real waves here, we're sheltered by islands, so when there are some I always take him down. We had a great time catching the waves and he took great delight in the fact that I got dumped! I was too preoccupied in holding up my swimmers to notice this. I'd forgotten that they'd be now too big since I've lost weight!! Maybe I'll actually buy some new ones for the cruise.

I've lost 14(30.8lbs, the point 8 is important! *nods*) kilos now and am working towards losing the last 6. If I lose them I've made my target!!! *cross your fingers*

Also don't forget serenity_santa exchange is still open. It's a great chance to both give and recieve fic, vids, icons about the 'Verse.

The WIPs are still just that, but I'm working on them and hope to post some soon

browncoat cruise, fic, real life, serenity_santa, eyes

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