Corresponding notes: Part twenty-four: River

Aug 12, 2007 23:21

Title: Corresponding notes: part twenty-four: River
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: River, Crew, OCs
Rating: PG13
Timeline: Post Kaylee and Simon’s breakup
Disclaimer: Firefly and all its characters are the property of Joss Whedon
Word count: 1610
Comments: Because Ma started writing to Kaylee and River too I had to write this off-shoot from the Letters series. Previous chapters here. Thanks to cantonheroine for the banner and icon. My apologies for the break between chapters, real life and ficathon commitments have slowed me down!!

Dear Ellen,

What a wonderful plan! Thank you so much for thinking of it. We have not told Simon or the Captain of it yet; Inara says all the facets must be in place before revealing your idea. I agree with her on this. Both men can be extremely stubborn Ellen and I would like to have all my arguments in favour of this plan ready.

I do have some worries however.

As you know, I would be going with Serenity on her voyages. Though we will be returning more frequently than we have before - Do you think Mattie would like a mostly absent girl for his girlfriend? He could have girls who live nearby and never go anywhere. Wouldn’t that be better for him? I know, dear friend, you will say to ask him, and I will. But I value your opinion as his mother and my friend. What do you think?

I worry too for Simon’s feelings when he realises that your boy and Kaylee are together. They may talk all you please about ‘seeing how things go’ and ‘just trying out the dark corners’, but you and I know how things will probably turn out for them. Should I prepare him? I’m afraid hints wouldn’t do, my dear boob is so obtuse when it comes to emotions.

Kaylee sent some of your delicious peas and they were delightful. I roasted them with the pork obtained by the lion and made soup too. You do keep food for yourselves don’t you? I know your generous nature and also that your crops are usually not this prolific.

My success at cooking and the sweets you sent has inspired me and I have made a new sweet called Turkish Delight. I sent some to my planetside family and hope you enjoy it as much as the shipboard one did. The only one who didn’t enjoy my sweet was Fifi. My book says dogs must not be given sweets designed for humans and I stick by its ruling. My dear dog was most put out and sulked in the corner for almost a day.

It is as well she was sulking Ellen. She has disgraced herself by eating a Shepherd’s collar and causing furore in the ranks of our passengers. They complained loudly to the Captain, but he was less than sympathetic and they have subsided. I keep Fifi away from them though. They harbour most un-Shepherd like feelings toward her. Their behaviour makes me wish for our dear Shepherd more than ever, isn’t that strange?

This seems to be a very long letter Ellen and I haven’t told you half our doings. You see I speak the Captain’s language now? I find I forget my Core-bred ways more and more. Look after yourself dear friend and give Mattie and Kaylee a hug from me.

Love River

Dear River, I like your long letters girl never you worry. It dont matter if you leave things out you can tell me all about it when youre here. Mattie aint never looked at anyone like he does you child your being away some times wont matter to him. Im sure hell say the same. Kaylees good and were all having dancing lessons though whos going to partner me I dont know. Kaylee did write your brother but maybe youd better say something too. If anyone upsets this wedding theyll feel the end of my broom. Youre a good friend to me too girl I like to do things for you. Dont worry about the food weve got plenty its been a good year for growing is all. The sweets melted in my mouth bring the recipe with you and well make it together. Love Ellen

Dear Ellen,

You were right as usual dear friend! Mattie says he likes me anyway he can get me. He gave me quite a history lesson about partners that spent much time apart. It was both fascinating and relieving. I wonder did he know it would have that effect? I must ask him. He does seem to have the knack of guessing what a person is feeling. I wish my brother had the same knowledge.

I spoke to Simon about Kaylee’s possible change in feelings, but I’m not sure he wanted to understand me Ellen. Of course he has yet to understand that I neither want not will leave Serenity. My brother can be so exasperating. However our plan is almost in place, and then we shall see what Simon and the Captain think of it.

Kaylee told me of the fire. Are she, Mattie and Lion alright? Are you? I know how worried you must have been. And poor Mr Thames, to see his life’s work disappear like that. He must have been quite upset.

We have had some upsets as well. Our last job did not go smoothly. The derelict we were to salvage was not derelict at all and our lovely Serenity was damaged. We are now docked at the Dresden skyplex and are under repair.

Since Jayne is again a bodyguard, Zoe and I are overseeing the repairs. I feel very important that I have been trusted with this job. Of course Zoe is the main person in charge, but I assist her and she says I’m doing well. Fifi is my assistant and helps cheer the workers when they are feeling put upon. She is a favourite with them.

There will be men clamouring to partner with you Ellen, I’m sure. Though I do not know what effect this may have on your two boys. Will they become proprietorial? I think Jayne might dear friend. Though he will not admit it, he takes great care of all of us on board, even Fifi and Simon, and gets most defensive if we are in danger.

Dancing lessons here continue apace, and everyone is showing improvement. Zoe in particular is enjoying the lessons and she adapts well. I have persuaded her that she must accept partners other than those she knows, and she has promised to try.

Of course I shall bring my recipe; I have many new books to show you. I look forward so much to cooking with you and Kaylee. It won’t be long now dear friend.

Love River

Dear River, Mattie was a long time sick and had time to watch and study folks. Hes got real good at it I think thats why he does so good at the store. Mattie got to me first with the news about the store so I didnt have time to worry bout them. He werent hurt at all thank Buddha. Kaylee coughed from the smoke for awhile but shes fine now. Mr Thames was horrified but hes keeping busy with building a new store. Folks from round town are helping and Kaylees busy making a new freezer for him shes so good that girl. Im glad to hear Jayne protects you all he is a mite possessive that one. Please tell me he calls you by name girl? He might get a taste of my broom ifen he doesnt. Dont bother Simon for awhile wait till you tell him this plan and see what happens the man has to wake up sometime. Itll be good having all us women cooking together. Love Ellen

Dear Ellen,

I don’t really mind that Jayne doesn’t call me by name. The names he does call me have long since degenerated into pet names, and though neither of us would ever admit it, I think we are friends. Unlike he and Simon; I fear they will never get past bare toleration.

Especially since Simon is again being difficult; this time about our plan. Perhaps I’m being unfair Ellen and a little impatient. I wanted him to jump straight on board with what we have organised. But if he did that he wouldn’t be my dear, organised, wonderful brother. I must resign myself to much talking and explanation before he is in anyway convinced.

The Captain however is another matter. He has actually accepted our idea without much fuss. He has been in contact with the mine manager to organise schedules and such and is writing to you about the house. He warns of course that things may not work out, that it is only a test run so to speak, but he is convinced. In fact he is taking on as if it was his plan all along. Inara just smiles serenely and pats him on the back, Zoe says yes sir and Jayne rolls his eyes, things are as normal aboard Serenity.

We are now on route to Hawkins Moon to pick up our cargo. From there it will be thirteen days, three hours and fifty-seven minutes until we land in your field. I really can’t wait to see you, Kaylee and Mattie. My mind reels with the prospect of dark corners, old houses, possible hospitals and good times for all. Keep us in your thoughts Ellen, you are always in ours.

Love River

River dear girl youre always in our thoughts. Dont worry bout Simon when he sees what the mine manager plans hell be convinced Im sure. Im glad you and that stubborn boy are friends its a pity about Simon but I guess I can understand it. Kaylee really cant wait to see you all and is so excited shes fixed everything she can get her hands on. Ive got everything organised for Simon to take the cast off itll be so good to see her walk again. You look after everyone girl and make sure that last job goes smooth. Love Ellen

letters, ocs, crew, river

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