Letters: Part sixteen

Jul 07, 2007 23:01

Title: Letters: part sixteen
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Jayne, Crew, OCs
Rating: PG13
Timeline: post Simon’s decision
Disclaimer: Firefly and all its characters belong to Joss Whedon
Word count: 1356
Comments: A series of letters between Jayne and his Ma. Pre-series to way past the BDM. Previous chapters here. The companion series Corresponding Notes is here.

Dear Ma, I shot me a pig and the girl made soup with it and the peas. They tasted real fine. Just as well Zoes walking round we got a load of passengers we need to ride herd on. We still aint got a mechanic so guess whos doing all the work? The Doc and Mal are still growling at each other makes me want to hit them Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, What sorta passengers are they? What do you mean bout riding herd and why does Zoe need to be walking round? Kaylee and me finished the peas and are picking carrots now they’ve done real good this time. I put some in the cellar and made carrot cakes and Mr Thames is selling them at the store. You be patient boy Simon and the Captainll calm down. Hows everyone else and did you think on my idea yet? Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Passengers give me an uncomfortableness and Mal aint patient specially since theyre Shepherds. Zoe makes folks behave by looking at them and shes calmer. We gotta ride herd cause were smuggling some stuff too Shepherds dont hold with that. I thought on your idea and gave the letter to Nara. Hows Mattie? Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Matties fine hes hardly sick no more and me and Kaylee are awright too. She seems some happier these days and smiles more like her old self. What were you smuggling and howd you keep the Shepherds in the dark? Im glad you gave the letter to Nara shes smart that one but I wanna know what you think. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Long as I can go on Serenity too being dirtside now and then aint so bad specially if I were seeing you and Mattie. Depends on what Kaylee wants to do I go where she goes. Shepherds are trusting we fooled them easy. We was smuggling silk for a core fella we worked for before it aint hard to hide lucky for us. Both them and the silk is gone now and were on our way to the next job. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Ray Timmons remember him had a fight with Mr Thames and set fire to the store. Mattie Kaylee and Lion got out in time and are ok but the place burnt down. Mr Thames got insurance so were all busy building a new store. Whatd you mean where Kaylee goes you do? Boy are you saying what I think? When I asked her she blushed and said you had to say first. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Kaylee said shed try out the dark corners with me and if we get on awright we might take up together. What do you mean they got out in time did the hun dan set the place on fire with them in it did the law get him? We got paid good for the silk heres some coin for Mattie Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Ray knew they were inside he dont like Mattie worth a damn. Twas Kaylee realised the place was on fire she just grabbed up Lion and yelled at everyone till they got outta the shop. Shes coughing some from the smoke but shes awright no need to worry. The town folk caught Ray and the Sheriff from Booral took him to jail. Thats a lot of coin Jayne you sure you got enough? Boy Im glad you spoke to Kaylee I never thought Id see the day dont mess things up now. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Im fine I never go short you know that. We got a salvage job coming up thats gonna earn us heaps of coin so dont worry. Moonbrains all worried bout Mattie tell him to write will you shes like to drive me crazy. Kaylee and me aint an item yet dont go getting all excited. Love Jayne

Jayne, I can get excited if I want. You aint never spoke to a girl bout feelings before so I know this is different. Also its Kaylee and its plain as plain what you think bout her. I wrote to River and so did Mattie and Kaylee. You still aint calling her by name are you? Simon neither Ill bet youre a stubborn mule boy I raised you better. Howd the salvage job go? Love your Mother

Dear Ma, Moonbrain don’t mind me calling her that and I dont care what the Doc thinks. The salvage job went all to hell and we didnt make no coin. Nara got me another bodyguarding job so were going to the Dresden Skyplex. Mal reckons well pick up work there. Those regular hauling jobs are starting to sound pretty good. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, What do you mean your job went to hell is everyone awright? Don’t worry bout the coin were doing fine right now. Were nearly finished with the new store you should see it its as good as any Ive seen in Booral. My flowers are going strong and will be just right for the wedding. Has this job thing held you up any? Love your Mother

Dear Ma, The salvage job werent a salvage job the boat still had folks on it. We didnt do nothing to them but they fired on us. The crazy girl felt it or some such and dived the boat it didnt do the engines no good but everything else is fine. We aint any more delayed than we was soon as I finished this job were off and back on schedule Mal says Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Im glad everyone is ok River is a wonder isnt she? How come you had bad information? The mine manager came round asking bout Simon lucky Kaylee was here and could tell all the right things. Kaylees fine but shes getting a mite impatient with this cast she cant wait to be up and doing things. We had a grand opening at the store and folks came from all around Mattie and Mr Thames gave me a seat right up front I did feel proud. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, We got the job from Badger he dont know how to be straight. I dont get why Mal still takes jobs with the hun dan. Naras got ideas bout your suggestion shes been talking at the Captain and the Doc bout them and is gonna write you. Having the crazy girl round aint that bad I guess. The old biddy I was guarding gave me a bonus so Im sending you this Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Be more respectful of your elders boy old biddy indeed. She gave you a bonus don’t forget. The quilt is beautiful and so warm I dont even need the extra blankets no more. Hows the engine? Kaylee worries you know. Nara wrote and Im excited by her idea theres gonna be a town meeting with all us folks and people from the mine too. Its about time we joined together well be stronger then. Kaylees back at the store mending things and keeping busy. Shes all interested in those dark corners again but I don’t want any disgracing at the wedding boy remember. Love your Mother

Dear Ma, The biddy was 90 thats old anywhere shes still lively though and real clever. Kaylee sent another gorramn list and we did some repairs at the Skyplex so the engines going ok. The last jobs done were on our way to Hawkins Moon Moonbrain says only two weeks till we get to your place. I aint gonna disgrace you but watch the Doc and Mal theyre real protective of the girl. Love Jayne

Dear Jayne, Ninetys real old boy but I still dont like the biddy word. Kaylee and me are cleaning the old house Im gonna put Naras companion friends there. Itll be ready then for use if your crew wants it after. Those men need talking to River knows her own mind and cant be protected for ever. Itll be wonderful to see you all I miss you boy. Love your Mother

jayne, letters, ocs, crew

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