Roleplayers Wanted for RP Community Project

Jan 12, 2014 11:10

Dear Role players :)

It has always been my desire to have my RPG resource Distant Fantasies open to all formats of online role play and all genres. The world of role playing online is massive and you can find rpg resources in all formats. While we are a forum, we want to help spread the word that DF isn't just for forum rpgs. We want to encourage role players form other formats and in other languages to connect with each other, using DF as a conduit.

How can you help?
There are several different ways to help with this mission.
1. Do you rp outside of forums and/or the popular forum hosts (jcink, invisionfree, proboards etc.)?
  • We want you to help us spread the word that DF isn't cliquey or just for certain hosts or formats.
  • We would also love for you to help us put together guides for other formats, such as journal based rpgs, twitter, chat, play by email and so forth.
  • Tell us what we're missing! Do you use particular resources? Let us know!
  • Share resources for particular hosts and fandoms.

2. Is English your second language?
  • Help us write messages in other languages so we can approach non-english rpgs.

Join in
If you're interested please visit the initiative hub here -
You will also find banners there to help spread the word.
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