Chara Meme

Apr 04, 2009 23:11

Hehe, samusa gave me Kurosaki Isshin. xD

1. Do you like this character?
Yes! xDDD

2. What name/names do you call this character?
Uff, Ichi's Dad, Isshin....

3. What image-color do you associate with this character?
I don't know why, but I Think White. ö.ö

4. What image-song do you associate with this character?
Uhhhhhmmmmmmmm...  "I'm a Believer"? Don't know the singer. ö_ö

5. What blood-type do you think this character is?
I don't have a clue. xD

6. Of all of the titles that this character appears in, what character do you like to put this character with?
Masaki! ;_;

7. What would you want to say to this character?
"You're such a freak man!!!" XDDDDD

8. Which do you want to do with this character: Shake hands, hug or kiss?
Hug, I think. But I'm afraid, he would squweeze me to death. xD
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