Finally got off my ass and made this. Boredom can be a great motivator...
To-Do Lists, ho!
The Writing
The Best Days: Chapter 13
Sophomoric-verse: Five Things, Part II to beta, write Part IIIA
Babe-On-A-Mountain-side-verse: Chapter 1
Various crack fics: Are staying on here in the hopes that I will one day be inspired to work on them
Fantasy story
Sci-fi story
Essay--Nationalities of the Gundam boys: will it ever be finished? Who knows? If it's up here, I might be motivated. Might. I make no promises
The Maintenance
Transfer fic to fic journal (IJ under the same name): I've only done chapter 1 of Best Days, because I suck
Icon for IJ
Actually put links to fic on here... *rolls eyes at self*
The Friending Policy
Go ahead. No, really. I don't care. I'd love for you to introduce yourself, of course, and you should feel free to comment on anything (hi my name is Adi and I am a comment addict). Know, though, that I may not be able to friend you back. I lurk on enough people's journals as it is, and I feel crappy for that already...
If I missed anything, lemme know!