Pros of NaNo:
I have probably written more in the last three days than I have in a year
I love my characters, no seriously. I love them. <3<3<3
I am poking at the possibility that people might react to the ice caps melting and California ending up under water by setting off nuclear bombs, which contributes to the climate change on the globe and results in a good third of the world ending up under glaciers. I find this a worthy use of my time. That is awesome. XDDD
I am currently within my rights to eat lots of chocolate and drink lots of caffeine at about 1 in the morning
I am having so much fun, guys! \o/
Cons of NaNo:
I keep staying up until at least 3 in the morning when I have to be up at 9.
I am ridiculously behind on what I should be doing, which is studying for law school.
How's everyone else doing on their novels, if they're writing them?