Wasted 3 hours of my life (that I will never get back) @ the ER. Yeah. Turns out, I have multiple cysts on one of my ovaries and endometriosis. Yeah. This was supossed to be my "super fertile" time, post m/c. I guess God's cruel joke wasn't finished. They gave me a shot in the ass of an antibiotic (I guess one was leaking or about to rupture) and they made me DRINK (yes, drink!) a whole 5-day supply of Z-PAK by emptying the capsules into a glass of water and telling me to chug. I have to follow-up with the OB doc for possible surgery.
This woman came up to me at work and asked me where appetizer cookbooks where. She had obviously just given birth; she had a post-partum belly, not to mention a husband who was pushing around a screaming newborn. Anyway, she settled on an hors d'oeuvre book. I couldn't help thinking that her & her husband were going to be cooking up that poor baby's placenta into some sort of pâté, served to unsuspecting friends on some sort of townhouse crackers. Ick.