I went to the doctor today and learned that I am not supposed to be driving until my medication starts working(at least 1 month). I am having a battery of tests in a bit here, and I am oh-so-thrilled. I AM DRIVING. I HAVE TO! I have no one to take me to and fro and I'll be damned if I am (as he suggested) taking TARPS (for those of you who don't know, TARPS isn't even as cool as the regular bus. It's for paraplegics & insane people. No thanks.).
He also said that I have to take medication even though I intend to (once again) reproduce. He said that I could take Paxil again (ah, you bittersweet love of mine...) but to call as soon as I miss a period. He will determine my course of action from there. I asked about birth defects and he said that Paxil has been known to cause birth defects but for someone in my situation, what am I going to do...be depressed my whole life until it possibly happens again? I am torn. Paxil was the only drug that kept my sanity but now poses a risk to my (hopeful) fetus. Hmmm???
I ate a breakfast sandwhich from Tim Hortons today. I imagined that it couldn't possibly be healthy in any way, but I was hungry and pressed for time. I did not, however, think that it was going to be as bad as this:
Nutrition Facts
Needless to say, this will NEVER AGAIN be going into my belly.
Ok--who has heard of the very real BALLA POWDER, that has been described as "Balla Powder: Scented Scrotum Talc for Men"?!?!?
It is known to be good
• For "nether region" freshness
• Also great for sweaty buttocks, armpits and feet