Jul 22, 2006 19:55

I had a really good time yesterday with Melaine at the Ann Arbor Arts Festival. We ate delicious apple pear salads, drank Heinekens & wine, and we walked about 5 hours & a bajillion miles in the heat. I got sunburned pretty bad. I will post pics later.

I bought a really great print, some clothes, and something for the garden.
I was also really creeped out by this guy's ULTRA realistic resin sculptures. His name is Marc Sijan. I had a bit of trouble finding a website for him. :-(


Look at more here:

I had a 1/2 day at work today b/c my malfunctioning brain decided to have 2 seizures. Apparently, I was moaning and whimpering (yeah, I know) and twitching or what have you, while I was counting the money. Of all people who saw me, one of them just HAD to be my boss! LOL Talk about embarrassing!
It was a good thing that I did go b/c I had more when I got home. :-( 
I hate when I have them b/c it feels horrible during & I feel like complete shit afterwards.

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