Jun 23, 2006 13:10
I have a lot to talk about, this time I will keep it short.
I saw the doctor yesterday.
The pathology reports are not yet in. When they do come in, I will (hopefully) know why my baby died. They said they will also tell me the sex of the baby.
The doctor called me today & told me that I am able to pick up my baby's remains at the hospital whenever I would like. (That is going to be hard.)
I'm going to the funeral home today to work things out. I'm not sure what the regulations are for babies before 20 weeks. I am hoping to get him/her cremated and the ashes put in a necklace. If that isn't resonable, then we will bury him/her. I think I can even do that at home, but we will see.
I have anger and long rants to share (at another time) about:
--- sensitivity training for medical professionals
--- my hope in working with a non-profit for loss kits
--- parent's rights (which they are hardly ever informed of) regarding their child's remains, testing, medical procedures...
--- how pissed off I am that if you lose your child before 20 weeks, the hospital, the state, NO ONE considers a death to have taken place!
--- my hope in working with a non-profit or someone local in helping create a support group. I think we have ONE in Toledo (that I am aware of). Which, might I add, no one has called me back from that group since I lost my baby. Great help...
--- my grief & how this is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my entire life.