A Dream: Avoid the Celluline Lapis

Jun 16, 2010 17:30

So, I forget most of this. It was a daytime dream, and I scuttled around the house for a few hours afterwards, instead of writing in down right away. But I'll do my best to remember~

There was some kind of house on a big hill, with a steep, sloping yard. Nearby, or in the house, was a dog pound. At some point I was outside, and saw the family's dog (a golden retriever) milling around by the swing set, and, worrying that he might be mistaken for a stray and put in the pound, I brought him inside. There were some other things after that which I don't remember, but later on I was outside again after the family had complained that their dog was missing. They told everyone to be on the lookout for a black lab. So I was outside looking, and saw the retriever again. I thought to myself, "No, they never did have a black lab, did they? How stupid to forget what their won dog looks like. this one is theirs for sure."
So I went down to get to bring the dog back inside. As I got closer to it, the dog seemed to get thinner and thinner, and its fur started getting darker. By the time I was next to it, it was very long and thin, and all its fur had gone black, and its muzzle had gotten very long and narrow. Essentially, it looked like a very big, somewhat exaggerated fox.
It was eating something it had found on the ground, so I held my hand out to it to try and coax it over to me. I looked away so it wouldn't think I was a threat, but thought soon after that if I wasn't watching it, it might bite me. Sure enough, when I looked back, it was growling, its ears were back, and it gave off a very threatening vibe.
Just then my mom came over the hill with another dog and my two ferrets, and was heading for the house. Suddenly the fox thing was scared, trying to climb up into my lap. I realized that not only did the dog frighten it, but it was also afraid of small things like the ferrets. The only reason it was growling at me was because it thought I was trying to take what it had been eating.
I tried to get the fox off me (heavy!) but then my cat was on the ground nearby, and that also had foxy freaked out. So I lead him to the other side of me, and tried to make him calm down.
His fur was black, short and coarse, and he had markings on his legs and face that were either ochre or white. Like I said before, his muzzle was very narrow, and he had small, very sharp, bloody-looking teeth.

Later on in the dream, there was a theme park full of rides. This park was infested with the weird fox-things, which turned out to be called "celluline lapis", and they were only very distantly related to any kind of fox or dog. The workers of the park were explaining that sometimes the cellulines got in the way of the rides and got killed. At some point somebody mentioned that they were a creature from a folklore, and that there was a law against killing them, so the workers had to be VERY careful when operating the rides, but there were still accidents. Most of the time, though, the cellulines caused more damage to the rides than the rides did to them. The workers explained that the equipment was actually very delicate, and the park was arranged in such a way that if something bad happened, like if one ride collapsed or exploded, it would cause a domino effect. So if a celluline were hit and happened to cause enough damage, the entire park could be destroyed. Every day, the employees went to work in fear of the celluline lapis, and tried their hardest to avoid them.

Woke up from there. I have no idea where the word 'celluline' came from, and I know lapis is a type of stone. In the dream, I kept thinking to myself that 'lapis' was the latin root for 'lapine', and that it was dumb to be using a word for rabbit when the animal was obviously a fox. :P Derp.

dream journaling

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