Oct 21, 2009 05:32
Writing utensils and papers - check
Original clothes - check
Extra clothes - work in progress
Old supplies - work in progress
Bedding and pillows - check
It's been awhile, Luceti. I missed all of spring and summer apparently, and now it's raining heavily. The Malnosso seem to like dumping me here in the middle of rain or cold weather. Not that I can't stand anything like that.
I guess it's best to consider this a reprieve from the real world. Eventually you have to be returned home, otherwise your nonexistence in the timestream will cause a paradox upon those who rely on your presence in the future. [He pauses in his writing here, as if debating whether to scribble out what he had just written. The writing is still legible under the scribbles, if barely.] Just another theory, of course. I'll need more data if I even want to hope salvaging that old theory. Temporal archive flux theory? I shouldn't be presuming when my memory's still a little fuzzy.
Rena? We haven't met, but Haruki mentioned he would ask you about finding my equipment. I guess it's somewhere in your house.
And to the others here... I'm Leon D.S. Geeste, originally from the planet Expel, but now residing on Earth. I've been here before.