Kurou App for UG@

Oct 07, 2011 04:03

Player Name: Aero
Personal LJ: Book-o-phile
AIM Contact: Aero
Character Name: Daijuuji Kurou
Source Canon: Kishin Houkou Demonbane/Kishin Hishou Demonbane
Community Tag: Kurou Daijuuji

Notes: Since we can't really have him stay in Arkham the entire time It'd be a good idea to assume the Black Lodge is moving around a lot, and that Al's pages have been scattered across the world. Most likely will follow Al's route although I'm not sure what to do with the ending as of yet.

If needed I'm alright with any nerfs the mods might need to make to Demonbane.

Update 1: After talking with Corel a bit Kurou can appear almost immediately after Azrad's final mission which will serve as the prologue for Demonbane.

Background: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demonbane

Personality: Daijuuji Kurou at a first glance is a very sad, pathetic, and petty man without any good qualities about him.

At the beginning of the game he is shown collapsing into a church begging for food, when confronted about the fact that he has been doing nothing with his life he tries to act cool shrugging off the advice that is being given to him. Here he shows how petty he is, not even hiding the fact that he will continue to mooch off his few benefactors without any hesitation.

Kurou uses his pathetic life as a defense mechanism acting completely proud of it. Most of the time however he ends up depressing himself when reminded about the state of his life. Truthfully he also has a rather low opinion of himself as well, only feigning pride when it’d help him get out of a lecture.

Unfortunately he is also very immature in addition to his other negative traits. He is easily provoked by any amount of teasing even from small children. Usually reacting in a over the top way even going as far as to chase someone down to respond to in a just as childish way. Strangely enough because of this he responds to trash talk from his enemies very quickly countering with what is usually a immature response.

Initially even after making a covenant with Al Azif he wants nothing to do with the battle against Black Lodge unlike many of Al’s previous masters. The excuse he made was that he was not an “ally of justice”. This however is a complete lie. The real reason behind is hesitation to becomes Al’s Master and fight against the Black Lodge was the fear of the occult he obtained after his encounter within the Miskatonic University Library where he was nearly killed by Wilbur Whateley. His own words of being not good enough to continue his studies were also a complete lie. It was that encounter that led him to try to distance himself as far away from the occult as possible and drop out of the university.

Underneath his somewhat pathetic exterior however Kurou not surprisingly is a good person. Despite saying that he isn't a ally of justice he has a strong sense of justice and morality. He hates seeing bad things happen to other people because it "leaves a bad aftertaste" should he be unable to do anything for them. It is because of this that after an encounter with Master Therion he decides to become a true Master of Necronomicon no longer running away from what he feels he needs to do.

Capabilities and Resources:Despite being very poor and having nothing to his name Kurou is actually a capable person. He has an exceptional ability to find the Other, strange supernatural events. Which is one of the reasons why he was selected to get a scholarship to the Miskatonic University. Even without Magius Form he is a skilled fighter able to keep up with members of the Anticross when needed, his ridiculous endurance helping as well. While he is a novice Sorcerer he has knack for gaining skill in magic with sheer force of will, breaking spells from beings as powerful as Master Therion. In Magius Form Kurou is easily at superhuman level able to use a variety of spells and weapons. At the end of the game Kurou is able to defeat a Destroyer Robot on foot without Magius Form using only his pistols.

Robot Name: Demonbane
Robot Description: Despite common misconceptions Demonbane, as it first appears is a rather modest Super Robot. Standing at 50 meters tall Demonbane has a very strange-looking frame, with its legs making up most of the body. There are two huge shin guards covering the legs, and on top of its head is a large mane of what looks like hair formed from magical energy. The Machina seems to have some levels of sentience as shown in the game where the machine seemingly roars out to try to convince Kurou to pilot it. In another moment Demonbane crushed Tiberius before he can attack Hadou Ruri. However it is not a true Deus Machina and is not formed completely by magic.. It is stated several times in the game that Aeon was several magnitudes more powerful than Demonbane, at least while Demonbane remains in its initial form. One important difference however is that piloting Demonbane does not drain the life of it's user.

By itself Demonbane is lacking in weapons. The only weapons it has on it are a pair of vulcans on its head. The others are two devices built into its shin guards named Timaeus and Critias that allow it to distort time and space. This helps with its mobility and speed as well as allowing for short ranged teleports. An attack known as the Atlantis Strike is commonly used by Kurou in Demonbane which is simply just a kick which is followed by a distortion of space-time energy blasting out from either Timaeus or Critias. This can be used in several ways both offensively and defensively either by using the energy to crush an enemy or using the distortion formed to block attacks sent at it.

The most powerful weapon that it has at this point is known as the Lemuria Impact, when first formed it only seems to be a small ball of energy held by Demonbane. However upon impact with a target the ball begins to expand showing it to actually be a zero-point sublimation spell that generates infinite heat and pressure enveloping what it hits in it. Due to how destructive the spell is, it cannot be used without approval. Despite the barrier field which is usually formed when the attack is used it still causes a massive amount of collateral damage. An alternate version of this attack known as Lemuria Delay Attack has Kurou instead of using one extremely powerful sphere using multiple smaller spheres hit at several enemies at high speeds before activating the sublimation effect after a short delay.
Terrain Stats:

Oh boy where to begin...the first major upgrades Demonbane gets are from the retrieval of Al Azif's pages. The first being Atlach Nacha a magical webbing that uses Demonbane's "hair" as a conduit. After that the Mirror of Nitocris is found which allows Demonbane to form magical illusions of itself, along with the ability to reflect beam weaponry using a reflective mirror coating or off destroyed illusions which shatter into mirror like pieces when defeated. Upon regaining the Scimitar of Barzai Demonbane uses it much like Aeon both as a melee weapon and a potential ranged weapon by throwing it much like a boomerang. However Demonbane is unable to form more than one scimitar at a time and should it be destroyed Kurou must wait until the scimitar has time to fix itself before using it again. Another ability gained by Al being in Demonbane is the Elder Sign, a pentagram shaped barrier that can withstand most attacks used against it, at full power it requires an enemy as powerful as Liber Legis to break through it.

Demonbane truly begins to become powerful once Al obtains her pages containing the Great Old Ones Cthugha and Ithaqua. When using Cthugha on its own without anything to channel its power Demonbane forms a miniature Sun around it. This attack is so powerful that when used for the first time it evaporated not only Dagon which Demonbane was fighting at the time but the entire island glassing any sand that was near it. Using Cthugha like this however is very dangerous, Demonbane itself suffered massive damage when channeling Cthugha. Ithaqua could also be potentially used this way although it is never shown.

After obtaining a pair of handguns given to him by the Anticross Nero Kurou is able to use the two Great Old Ones properly using the guns as a conduit. With Cthugha he fires out a high-powered shot which explodes with magical fire while Ithaqua fires out beam like bullets which magically track the target's weak points, homing in on them even changing trajectory to avoid any defenses the target has. Using God Beast Bullets instead summons an avatar of the Great Old Ones which run through and attack enemies, upon the destruction of these Avatars they release an explosion of either fire or ice depending on which gun is used to fire the bullet. During its fight with Liber Legis Anemone was shown to be able to combine the two handguns into a powerful spell cannon that used the powers of both Cthugha and Ithaqua.

Once Al was fully restored Demonbane comes into its full power. After a bit of kit bashing Al is able to get Shantak to work with Demonbane vastly increasing it's mobility and speed. Demonbane also gains the ability to regenerate damage done to it in mere seconds. When Kurou is fully focused Demonbane also begins to be able to break the laws of physics in its movements, ignoring inertia completely and maneuvering in ways that shouldn't be physically possible.

The last weapon that Demonbane obtains is the Shining Trapezehedron. A long twin bladed artifact of immense power that is able cut through as well as seal dimensional barriers and even gods. Upon hitting a target it seals them away within the Trapezehedron where the the sealed Outer Gods were.

Job: University Dropout, Private Investigator. Master of Necronomicon, Hadou Financial Group butt-monkey.

Sample Post:http://testrun-box.livejournal.com/314144.html

Missions:To be worked out with the mods.
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