Jun 07, 2009 21:14
You meet your favourite (living or deceased) author in a bookstore*:
Who is it?
You sidle over and say …. ?
Will you reference their work? If so, which books and what will you say?
So, is there a question you always wanted to ask him/her? Now’s your chance…
They seem to have time on their hands; you buy one of their books and ask them to sign it - which one is it?
Do you have a favourite quote from their work with which to dazzle them (or at least appear determinedly stalkerish)?
Recommend him/her a book…
Recommend him/her an author…
Tell them something you’d like them to write about (either an article or an idea for a book)…
Tell them something you disagree with them on (or have a gripe about)…
One last parting line with which to impress them...
*If, like me, you have many favourite authors, just pick the one you’d most like to talk to in a bookshop.