Nov 12, 2011 19:02
I recently when to an author signing (where I met the amazing Tamora Pierce) and it got me thinking about signed books. So I wrote a short signed book meme! Here it is:
How many books do you have which are signed by an author or illustrator?
(optional: list them, or take a photo of all of them).
Which was the first one you got?
Which was the most recent?
Have you ever bought a book already signed by an author?
Have you ever forged an author’s signature in a book?
Which of your signed books has the best story?
If you could pick one book you own by a living author to get signed, which would you pick?
If you could pick one book you own by a deceased author to get signed, which would you pick?
Do you have a signed book which you haven’t read yet?
Have you ever gone to an author signing and not gotten your book signed?