Today I uploaded my fixed form prose subcollection to
LibraryThing (it's only four books), as well as the rest of my C. S. Lewis fiction. I also began entering my writing books subcollection, which has at least 50 books, but I only did the ones off of one shelf, they are all tagged "about writing" but the shelf notation is in the comments as I don't consider that useful tagging right now. Some of the writing books will have to have their tags adjusted later, but I'm too tired to work on it now, and I have work tomorrow.
What to some of you will be much more noticable and important is that I have finally changed my journal layout. The new one is fine, but there are several things that I'd like to change. The new customization interface seems much more difficult in some respects than the old one. Yes, I can change the wording of comment buttons more easily, but now changing colors and/or adjusting layout is much more difficult if it can even be done at all.
I'm annoyed and not really happy with the current look of my journal, but changes will have to wait.