Writing Writing Writing

Jan 21, 2013 19:18

So, I think I have an idea for heroinebigbang: the life of Zoe Washburn from childhood up to Serenity and beyond. I just have to see if I can brainstorm more ideas for this than the tentative summary. I have no idea how long it will be, but I can easily see it becoming 15 000+ if I put enough detail into it.

I've had a very active muse in the past couple days. It's given me a couple different ideas and I'm thinking of a few more. I kind of want to write a bunch of fics about strong female characters from the books/TV shows/movies I've read/seen and do snapshots into their lives. It doesn't have to be during the canon timeline, but before or after.

But I still have a Bruce/Natasha fic from this summer that I should probably finish going over so I can post it.

writing, journal, firefly, avengers

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