Jan 13, 2013 22:50
Okay, so I have some questions. I would like to start making icons/gif sets, particularly from Firefly (I just rewatched Out of Gas and I have an urge to icon/gif the whole ep), although other fandoms are taking my fancy as well (hello, Mitchell and Being Human). I'm just wondering how I could get started with it. I downloaded Gimp, because I don't want to spend the money on Photoshop, and I know I would have to get a Photobucket account or something similar in order to upload my photos to the internet.
I don't have a lot of experience with icon making or gif sets. The most high-tech my icons get are screen caps taken by me on my iPhone (because I'm a good little scientist and am terrified of copyright issues and plagiarism) from my DVD, uploaded to my laptop, and adjusted slightly in Preview on my Mac. I haven't done anything more fancy than that, and any help that people could give would be very welcoming.