Fic: World serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs - Avengers - PG 13 (12/12)

Aug 31, 2012 10:57

Author: Book_Junkie007
Pairing: Clint, Natasha, Coulson
Rating: PG 13
Wordcount: ~200 words
Warnings: Minor swearing and violence
Notes: Written for be_compromised's Promptathon for a series of prompts. Each espionage definition is referred to in some way in the drabble.

Thanks goes to some1tookmename on Twitter for doing a grammar and flow check and Laffers18 on Twitter for making sure they're in character.

Summary: CRACKING: Illegally gaining entry to a computer or computer network in order to do harm.

Natasha sits down at the computer, while Clint stands guard. Getting into the party was easy enough, and they had simply acted like a drunk couple looking for privacy while entering the target’s home office. SHIELD had done an excellent job with their covers. She and Clint are posing as a couple who are prospective new clients of the man they’re getting information from. Their target’s a budding arms dealer with a side business in human trafficking. SHIELD found out about him, and wants to take him down, which is why they’re here. Natasha’s job is to access his computer system and take any information of value.

As she runs through the codes to access the computer’s hard drive, she thinks about this mission. She knows it’s the first mission she and Clint have been sent on solo, and her only thought is that it was about time. Clint had mentioned to her earlier in the safe house that he had thought she should have been off probation earlier, and she’d privately agreed. If she’d really wanted to destroy SHIELD, she could’ve done so without having a job in the organization.

For now, it’s time to focus on the mission.

On AO3

genre: gen, content: fic, rating: pg 13, character: natasha, avengers

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