Fic: Putting It Back Together Again - Torchwood - PG 13

Jul 09, 2012 13:51

Title: Putting It Back Together Again
Author(s): book_junkie007
Artist(s): the_silver_sun
Fandom(s): Torchwood
Type: Het
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 17 437
Characters/Pairings: Ianto/Gwen, Tosh/OMC; Ianto, Tosh, Gwen, Owen, OMC
Warnings/Spoilers: Set between End of Days and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.
Summary: Sequel to It All Falls Apart

Set during the four months between End of Days and Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang. The team is still coming to terms with Jack's abandonment, while Gwen, the new head of Torchwood, is also dealing with the fact that Rhys is truly gone. The Prime Minister's phone call to the remaining members of the team takes them, along with Benjamin Stratford, a new recruit, to the mysterious Himalaya to see if the Yeti is real, and if it needs their help getting home.

Author’s Notes:
It took a village to write this fic, so thanks goes out to:
- karaokegal and veritas6.5 for being absolutely fabulous betas
- @kaddison_ on Twitter for sharing her experiences in Nepal and making sure I had Kathmandu accurate
- @CCTerry_ for listening to my rants and giving me feedback on scenes I wasn't sure about
- @AsphyxiaPallida for cheering me on
- @Miss_T2011 for reading things over, giving me feed back, and cheering me on
- My boyfriend for helping me figure out machinery, which I'm useless at
- Everyone on Twitter, LJ, and in real life who have put up with me babbling about this fic for the last six months. I love you all. <3

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood as I am Canadian. I kind of live in the wrong country. :P

Link(s) to Story Master Post/Chapters:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
Complete story on AO3
Link(s) to Art Master Post(s): the_silver_sun's lovely artwork

genre: het, content: fic, character: tosh, torchwood, character: owen, character: ianto, big bang case story, rating: pg 13, character: gwen, master list

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