Don't know why...

Jul 19, 2004 15:47

It took me so long to join here and post! I have... A lot of book icons, to say the least. ;)

I took the icons down to re-do several and eventually repost them, so don't worry if you can see them - they don't exist anymore. >__> I'll post them in the comm whenever they get done. ^__^

Whatever doesn't have text counts as a base, and you're free to customize those as you wish; take them, do whatever you want with them. :) Everything else, I'd appreciate credit, but it's not totally necessary. Use your judgement, I guess. If you'd like the base picture I used to make a lot of these (the book covers, that is), I have those saved and can upload them on request so you can save them yourself and work with them too. Just ask! Thanks!

[edit] I don't know if Friends-Only banners are particularly welcome here, but I have three Series of Unfortunate Events banners, so I'll stick 'em under another cut...

childrens, tamora pierce, image only, book covers, bases, harry potter, banners, quotes, fantasy, children, song of the lioness, artemis fowl, quotes without images, circle of magic, lemony snicket

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