A meme contracted from
stringertheory um... only in a way less dodgy manner than it sounds. Gimme a comment with a :D and I'll pass it on t'ya. :)
1. You get sucked into one of your favorite books. Only problem is, you can't ever leave. What book would you choose to spend a lifetime in? Why?
I only get one choice? (lip tremble) Okay, this is tricky, cos I don't really have a favorite book as such. As I think I said in my very first post, asking me for my favorite book is like asking a glutton for his favorite meal. Not dish, just meal. I'm spoilt for choice here. And quite frankly, every time I read a book I consider myself sucked into it - at least for the duration of my reading (and about a day or so afterwards) and um... often I like the stories more than the worlds. I mean, I love Lord of the Rings but probably wouldn't enjoy actually living in Middle Earth...
Okay okay. It would have to be a place with Dragons and stuff. I want a pet Dragon. Possibly Anne McCaffery's Pern books, but not one of the lame D&D rip-off places.
2. Pancakes or waffles?
Well, I've had more pancakes than waffles, but that's more due to availability than anything else. Never had a waffle iron at home, but did have a frypan,so... Yeah. Go with t'pancakes. Big stack of 'em with maple syrup. Mmmmmm... Syrup.
3. Name one song that you always have to listen to when you hear it playing.
Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn." Really connected with it in a big emo patch I had a while back. Probably negative connatations now, but always gets me.
4. If you could tame any wild animal to have as a pet, what would you pick? What would you name it?
Some bird of prey. Big eagle, probably. I'd call it Thunderwing, Devourer of Small Rodents. Or Cecil.
5. Favorite superhero and why?
Spiderman. Always been my fave. One - he's a nerdy wimpy guy who gets superpowers suddenly. Nerds dream. Two - he's a snarky mcsnarkson when he's tackling the bad guys. Three - His powers are pretty basic but he always seems to punch above his weight, so to speak.