Oct 21, 2009 22:35
Okay, so I get to deliver quite a range of various, printed materials to various locations around the city. This company does everything from magazines to those printed sheets they put on the trays in fast food joints.
Today - I was delivering the spring catalogues to a chain of lingerie stores. This caused a fair amount of initial awkwardness on book_eaters part, you understand. Part of this is the natural fear of any male entering such a bastion of female territory without an escorting female to justify his presence. Had to resist ostentatiously flourishing the package in order to say "See? I have legitamate business here and am not a creepy pervy type!" And part of it was simply being surrounded by girls undies. Where do you look, f'godssake?
And in one shop, their back room was concealed behind a semi-secret panel which had nurse and schoolgirl fetish outfits hanging on the outside. Only my glasses kept my eyes from bugging out. I kid y'not. Yeesh. Still, think I managed to carry it off with dignity... I think.
Odd things come to mind. Like how come all the advertising material seems to suggest that a common female pastime is getting together with her friends, stripping to the undies and (apparently) telling jokes to each other? I mean, I understand that women do like to talk and chat and etc, but I really doubt they do it in a state of undress. I could be wrong, though. I suspect that it is clever marketing, yet who is it trying to appeal to?
Other odd thought. A whole store totally devoted to female underwear. Actually, in most of the malls, there were about three separate chains. Yet males have only one section of your regular deparment store. Not that I'm complaining, because personally, that's about all I need, but still. It's an interesting statement re: gender differences.
And last thought. Never skip lunch when you're driving a lot. Nothing to do with the above, but I completely lost track of time till about 2.00 in the afternoon and boy was I fuzzy. Not good when you're driving a big heavy vehicle. Just sayin'