(no subject)

Sep 04, 2008 00:46

Yep, the nastiness over the last few days has encouraged me to do something I've never done before, never was enthusiastic enough about a campaign or a candidate to do.

I contributed to the McCain/Palin campaign. I'm considering volunteering with the campaign, depending on how I can work it into my weird work schedule. But I'll do what I can, when I can.

This was the year I seriously considered voting Democrat, for reasons I explained quite some time ago. But this is the kind of ticket one sees once in a lifetime, if that. There'll be other Obama's, either himself with more experience under his belt or someone better, but McCain has redeemed himself.

The thing I notice most on the internet and in the media is just how cynical many Obama supporters are. They speak of "hope" and "change," yet nod at every example of the same ol' same ol' from their nominee. These supporters are spiteful, vicious, rabid and utterly out of touch with reality, and it makes me wonder what about Obama attracts that sort of personality. His own campaign staff, a day after McCain set the highest example possible of non-partisan behavior by congratulating Barack Obama's historic nomination, reacted to McCain's VP pick with unwarranted hostility. Obama corrected that mistake much later in the day, and also gets points for his statement Monday concerning families being off-limits as far as he goes, but the damage is done. If these are the kinds of people he judged to be right to lead his campaign, to represent his views, then his judgement is far too lacking to be allowed near the White House.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin not only hit it out of the park with her speech tonight, she shredded the ball. Of course, that was to be expected given her growing reputation, as seen in various places:

Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

Sarah Palin’s enemies are automatically added to the Endangered Species List.

Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

Sarah Palin can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

N. Alaska is sunny half the year and dark half the year because Sarah Palin needed the reading light, then wanted a nap

When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

Sarah Palin’s finishing move in the VP debate will be pulling Biden’s still beating heart from his chest & taking a bite.

Sarah Palin once carved a perfect likeness of the Mona Lisa in a block of ice using only her teeth.

Sarah Palin poses more danger of creating world-destroying black holes than the Large Hadron Collidor.

Sarah Palin’s son is going to Iraq after the Surge, because a Palin during the Surge would have been unfair.

Sarah Palin’s presence in the lower 48 means the Arctic ice cap can finally return.

The Arctic Circle runs through Alaska so the Sun can have some relief from Sarah Palin’s bright glare.

NFL teams may draft Sarah Palin, if they forfeit all their other players forever, to maintain league parity

If placed into Schroedinger’s experiment, both Sarah Palins remain alive.

Iran’s nuclear program is a response to Sarah Palin.

Global Warming doesn’t kill polar bears, Sarah Palin does - usually with her bare hands.

Sarah Palin’s hotness is the largest single contributor to melting polar ice caps.

The Northern Lights are really just the reflection from Sarah Palin’s eyes.

We don’t know who would win in a Chuck Norris - Sarah Palin cage match because they’ve never invented a cage that can hold Sarah Palin.
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