Should there be laws in place to prevent women with large families from having more children? I think having six kids and wanting 8 more is a sign of mental illness and I don't think modern medicine should be aiding her. What do you think
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How in the world would anyone police such a thing? And what would they do? Automatically sterilize women who've had their "limit?" What about if their life situations change later, either for the better or the worse? What would we do then? Untie their tubes if they got a promotion or take their kids away if they were laid off?
However, one thing I would like to see enacted is no additional welfare benefits for additional children. For example, let's say a person goes on welfare with three children and gets $2000/month in benefits. They would keep getting $2000/month no matter how many more kids they had while on welfare.
My husband doesn't get to sell grain for more money per bushel if I pop out another kid, does he? People with hourly wages don't get an automatic raise if they have another baby, do they? We still have to live on the same money coming in as we did before... so welfare ought to be treated the same.
You don't make more money when you have more kids, but if you continued to have them until you lived in abject poverty you would eventually receive services. But of course you wouldn't want to, because living off welfare is not fun.
Well, you don't have to pay out as much in taxes, so you keep more of what you earn when you have additional kids.
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