Your biologically male or female child comes out to you as transexual. They are thirteen at the time, and have been expressing issues with their gender identity. Do you seek therapy for them, to see about potentially putting them on horomones? Do you ignore the issue? Do you call them by the correct pronouns, and a name they select
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If my kid were intersexed and, well, transgendered for their chromasomal sex as opposed to what they appear to be, I would more willingly support and allow HRT and appropriate surguries.
But HRT and under-researched surgeries apply to intersexed folks as well.
As far as ethical beliefs, I don't mean "oh, being trans is wrong and sinful zomg", but "This surgery goes against physical biology for a sum of money and doctor's time that can save lives". I feel a person with the opposite chromosomes than what they look like is going less against nature because there is a physical ailment causing their physical sex to be different than what they feel, and its not their brain saying their physical sex doesn't match their inner gender.
I have trouble wording this without sounding like a big dick (or, i guess bigger than i mean to be), so I avoid it.
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