Two out of the six Morrison sextuplets have died. In the case of the Morrison family (the sextuplets born in Minnesota), six eggs were fertilized after using the drug Follistim. (According to
the Morrison family website, the doctors said two mature and two immature/nonviable eggs would be released during that particular cycle, but later said that
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No, they should not be charged with a crime. How does that work? "We're going to prosecute you because you didn't kill some of your babies when we told you to?" Every parent has the right to decide which path to take in this situation. I'm fairly well sure that they knew they weer possibly risking the lives of some of the babies by trying to carry all of them to term, but they chose to give all of them a chance, rather than "play God" and selectively reduce. I have nothing but respect for them that they chose that route.
As others have pointed out, many other sets of higher order multiples have been born alive, healthy, and with little to no problems. They weighed the odds, and unfortunately, came out on the short end. That's not a crime, by any means. My heart breaks for them that they have lost two of their precious babies.
rather than "play God" and selectively reduce
Weren't they playing God to begin with?
And no, I don't feel they were playing God. As far as they are concerned, God allowed that many eggs to be fertilized and lives created.
Many people look at fertility meds as fixing a problem that prevents them from getting pregnant. It doesn't take it out of God's hands - thousands of women take fertility meds and still don't get pregnant.
I tend to see infertility as something that is your body chemistry/structure's way of telling you that your body can't handle a baby. there's got to be some biological basis for it. maybe your genes are a bad combination with your partner's and there are multiple very early miscarriages happening because of some incompatibilities/increased risk for genetic problems. but leaving god out of it, I don't think that it's a great idea to introduce drugs and technology into your getting-pregnant process. it's just the beginning of the totally unnatural way we live.
The only thing that fertility drugs do is increase the chances for fertilization. It has nothing to do with genetic disorders, or uterine hospitality, or anything like that. It just increases the chances of sperm and egg meeting.
I don't like seeing God being used as a way to absolve oneself of any responsibility. After all, if you decide to not reduce because God will take care of things, you don't have to feel guilty if it doesn't work out the way you want it to because it's God's will, right?
abortion = death
pretty big difference as far as christian churches are concerned.
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