On September 8, President Obama is planning to address school children across the country in a taped speech. There is an outcry from the conservative side that this could amount to "indoctrination" and that Obama is lobbying our children to "his side". The State Department of Education has planned curriculum activities to go along with the speech, one of which is for the children to write a letter about how they could help Obama.
Do you feel that schools should be able to require that all students watch this, from preschool on up? Should parents be able to opt out of having their kids watch this during school time?
Would you feel the same way if it was George Bush or John McCain instead?
I lean to the conservative side myself, and I actually have no problem allowing my kids (K and 2nd grade) to watch this, although I would prefer that I be able to preview it first. That's not going to happen, and I'm not even sure if their classes will be showing it but our school district is highly encouraging it along with an opt-out activity for parents who want it. Just wondering what everyone else thinks!
Editing just for fun...what if this was "President Sarah Palin"? ;-)