Aug 28, 2009 17:28
When is it ok to bring your own food to a restaurant for your child and when does it become NOT OK? what about a place like McDonalds?
Today it was raining and there is nothing to do inside for kids nearby so we headed to McDonalds to play with some friends and let the kids run around in the indoor playplace. there was a mother there with a few small children and they got out their paper plates and cups and nuts, apples and sandwiches "no nasty fries" for them. and they brought EVERYTHING so they were just using the playplace -- they didn't buy anything at all.
Judge me all you want, but my kid had apples and chicken nuggets and deliciously tainted HFCS chocolate milk. and I drank my weight in coffee.
is it rude to bring your own food in this instance or who the hell cares?
I thought it was rude only because she was also a condescending (*#&(* who was making rude comments about "all the rowdy children". I have been known to feed my kid before we go to a restaurant and let him indulge in a sundae or something while we eat dinner, but we also feed him from our plate or sometimes get him a kids meal. He's 2.5 and I still think it's OK. however, we don't buy a Happy Meal and head over to Olive Garden or anything. and I think that it's time to suck it up and buy them a meal when they eat... a meal.
what do you think!
p.s. sorry for the grammar and caps etc etc NAK and tired toddler.