Morning Siren

Mar 19, 2009 21:09

Jaejoong sleeps on the living room sofa most nights, under two layers of blanket and a habit of leaving the windows open.  At 3am, Junsu saunters out of his bedroom; eyes remaining shut and head hanging low.  His feet navigate effortlessly through the dark apartment with natural intuition and photographic memory, never leading him astray from his nocturnal destination.  He slides under the covers with ease after years of practice and adjusts himself within the confinement of cramped space.

The gentle movement stirs Jaejoong into half consciousness and he simply wraps his arms around Junsu, pulling him impossibly closer as the younger man settles against his chest; eyes fluttering shut and lashes tickling Jaejoong’s collarbone.

Three hours later, Junsu rouses from the soft, petal kisses of his alarm clock.

“I’m awake now.”  He smiles the sunrise on the horizon of Jaejoong’s vision.

“I don’t care,” Jaejoong whispers, once again thirsting for that delicate pout against his own.

**For those who are waiting for Baker's Son, the story will be returning and ending in April with the last few chapters.  These past months had been entirely chaotic and I really needed the time to get back some sort of balance and find something tangible to hold on to.  I truly apologize for the wait.


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