Nov 28, 2007 13:53
So I have been back at work now for almost two weeks and have worked three twelve hour shifts, that were a blast because of who I work with but sucked because that is a long time and my femur bone doesn't like it much!
Thanksgiving I worked but had an amazing dinner brought in my one of the nurse's parents! And our team leader that day made all of us this really cute turkey cupcake!! Once I find what my mom did with the kick ass new camera I will take a picture of it before I eat it and post it so you can see how cute it is! I almost don't want to eat, but it is a cupcake and I have a rule that all cupcakes should and must be eaten!
Went and saw the Titanic exhibit again on Saturday with Karli and the Ducky! Yes I know I have problem and need to go to a support group for it or something like that! I bought this amazing diamond ring that is really pretty and a remake of an actual ring that they found in the wreck! I want the necklace that matches too plus one or more of everything else in the gift shop!
The past three days we have been putting up Christmas stuff! With daycare kids running around it takes a lot longer then it would if it was a weekend. Anywho my mom got a new Christmas tree and was going to give her old one away until I asked to put her old one up instead of mine because it is a lot easier to do. So we did that and then I get up this morning and my mom is putting my tree up as well! So now we have three Christmas trees!!!! Yes three!! I know she needs a support group too! We have one in the fish room, one right my the entertainment center, and one back in the new addition part of the house. Maybe that means we will get gifts under all of them!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I think I have a better chance of marrying Drake Bell! So we now have up and displayed three big Christmas trees, over twenty nativity sets, tenish little tress, a few Santas, and a million and a half snowmen in the house! We don't even need to turn the lights on anymore at night in the house because of all the trees and lights that we have strung up around the house. My dad is going to come home today and see all this now that we are done and get us some help! Of course that will be after my mom makes him finish the lights and decorating outside!
Oh just found out my wonderful great grandfather had a mini stoke or something like that! I guess it happened a couple of days ago but I just found out!!! Yep that makes me a little grumpy!! He is my only great grandparent left so I would like to know if something happens to him sooner rather then days later! But he is doing well from what I have been told and I have forgiven those that have withheld information from me!
I'm almost done with my third time around reading the Harry Potter series! I have five more chapters left in the seventh book I think! Man I'm so glad to be back at work!
Well that is my little update for you all just to let you know I am all still living!