I learned to fly, but never came back to see the other eggs hatch...

Jun 21, 2009 21:40

I hatched in the glorious summer grew wings and I learned to fly, but never came back to see the other eggs hatch. What a shame to come back and see that the nest was destroyed in the winter and only shells remained.

I am a soldier of the McRmy. No matter where I go I always carry that label with me proudly. That was where it all began. I finally found I wasn't alone and the 5 men I worshiped so much had brought me more than music that saved my life, but a family. That summer I joined I was reborn. My first steps and thoughts and words were there and everyone was stood around holding my hand letting me know I could do it. Closer than my actual family I felt like I had finally found somewhere where I belonged.

It started with the small things like just staying in chit chat section making friends to being encouraged to check out the fanfictions where I found a passion for stories. Enchanting. I liked to read before then, but nothing kept my attention more and I would sit up till 5 am just reading. One day after reading something Brandi wrote I felt the need to write too. Her words made me so happy in her story I realized I just wanted to make other people as happy as I felt then. Everyone was soo supportive of my stories.

It was then during a bad day of writers block a sweet girl named amber recruited me to the rp section where I discovered a new guilty pleasure. Me and her had so many roleplays active that the moderater Tiff named me and Amber the roleplay queen and princess.

I had been so happy. So happy I found these people I even fell in love with a girl from there and found out I was Bi. She not only talked to me for a whole YEAR, but finally she came down to see me here in Chicago. It ended badly and sadly enough that was when I truely stopped going to my home. I stopped because I didn't want to see her there and as I drifted farther away I fell so comfortable here with the people I loved so much I didn't bother coming back to see them all. Didn't bother to tell them how much I had missed them. How I still told everybody my home was the McRmy and I have never been prouder of a place.

When I came back today I read around and realized every post written was for 2008. Finally I found a girls post explaining we needed to save the mcrmy because the Mods were going to shut it down and my heart crumbled. This place was my home. These members were more my sisters and brothers than the ones that came out of my mothers womb. I had shared my dreams and soul with these people and here they were all gone. I continued reading all these reasons why this girl said it couldn't be destroyed and I only felt more one with her in her pain. 72 reasons. It was such a long post and I can see her desperate heated motivation to do whatever it took to keep her home running.

How could I let her down? I was one of the children gone astray leaving our home to rubble. I now sit in mourning not for a webpage, but for a home. A place where I took my first steps, said my first words, and shared my first thoughts. I mourn for the family I left behind and will never see again. The McRmy wasn't the stupid street team that needed area codes and such. It was the fans who dedicated their time to loving the boys on one webpage and each other. For the longest time the mcr website was linked to this mcrmy.

That was the true mcrmy. Where everyone there knew each other and loved each other. Where we never had a stupid thought and were encouraged to be who we were and develop the talents and dreams we had long laying latent in us.

Before MCR I was into motorhead and Misfits and I was into hardcore punk and even though people called me a pussy for falling for mcr and the many other bands I discovered when I came there, I didn't care because I had people who liked these bands as well and told me how awesome I was for liking them and that those people who mock you just for liking good bands weren't true friends. The McRmy were the people who never tried to make me change, but encouraged the changes I myself wanted to make.

In my heart I will always belong to the McRmy. I will always be a soldier, to fight the good fight and keep fighting the good fight.
I stand tall because of them and truly know who I am and have grown as a person and I will Never forget that.

I love all of you Rmy members
and know I will always savor the days we spent together
starting in the summer of rebirth.
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