Woah been forever much?

Apr 09, 2009 09:27

Oh my bob guys! Can you believe I actually lost my password to this account. I haven't spoken with you people in ages. I miss every single one of you guys. Also I miss much of the wonderful fics that used to be around. I am going to be a reading whore over the next few months, but on my own time. I need to catch up with you guys as well. Anyways I believe a fic is in order. I need to put my writing skills back to work before I lose them. I kinda was imagining something with vampires. Or something equally epic, but not gayly written like underworld or twilight. Sorry, but really this generation lacks real imagination. You guys on LJ have way better writing then most of those in hollywood and such.

So life lately has been good. Um almost done with another year of school. I really am going to need summer break. Its always during the summer I have time to be a bum and stay inside the whole time and talking to you guys. Yes that is a tad pathetic, but the whole 'hot outside' is really not my thing. I actually like the weather now because its chilly and gray and moist.

Also I'm single again. Lonely loser. I really should feel bad that I kinda don't attract people, but I kinda am to wrapped up in all my geeky hobbies that I don't think I would even have time for a relationship. Sad huh? I rather read boysecks then be out on an actual date. Yeah my parents knew something wasn't right with me. Though on an upper note my dad saw my ex boyfriend the other day and his face broke out in a horrible rash and now I don't feel so bad that we are over. Haha.

Also this is the last year my brother will be in school so that means next year we will have less money to waist on him and much more to spend on meh! Yay! I'm far from spoiled honestly. I've been wearing the same hand me down tops for ages. Though I through out all the pants so my parents had no choice but to buy me and assortment of rainbow skinny jeans. I now have red, yellow, lime green, aqua, and purple. then reg denim ones. Like Ahhhhh isn't that fab!?

Anyways without LJ I've doubled my rp and well to be honest I've roleplayed so much this past year my brain just kinda doesn't want to do it anymore for a while. Too much of a good thing can spoil it. So I'm probs gonna drop my accounts and start on a full blown novel to post for you guys to love. My goal is to one day be as good as emma (woebetidesweets ).Anything that comes from her mind is genious! Obvs.

Anyways today so far has started well. I spent all night talking to my best friend Brian so I'm like passing out now all over my comp. He is how I found my password. He asked me to look through my email to find an old thing he sent me since I never delete anything and I went and found it. Huzzah! *flails*. So here is the plan. I get tons of monster and chug it down and stay up for babysitting and wait for the deliverers to show up with our new recliner. Um also I'm off to go to mcr fic finder to find this one shot I actually dreamt about last night that I haven't read in sooooo long. so anyways gimme a shout out telling me how you guys are. I missed you guys extremely!


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