Guess whos back! Back again. Katie's back. Tell a friend.

Oct 20, 2008 13:08

Okay So I am officially back.
See what had happened was I joined volleyball
and I didn't realize in highschool if you join a sport it means you no longer are allowed a life.
But now that I've decided I am done with volleyball I am going to be on and just skip the rest of my practices.

So here is a quick update.
As of last Thursday I was kicked out of school. So I cant go back until Wednesday.
So I have a nice little vacation I guess to go on here and start reading and raiding the frerard fics. and other amazing my chem fics.
I Effing missed having written porn! my life was at a low.
Seriously I don't know how I will live if I lose internet.
I have been working on fics though my work has been very scattered
I just keep going from one story to the other so yeah my posting may take a while but I can promise before christmas my story will be up for your viewing.
Well first chapter.

I really want you people to like it which is why I am taking so long
because with my last fic where gee finds all these poems in his locker
I would sit down and type a chapter in 4 hours because it was just a way to keep my
creativity flowing and for me to just write, but it was kind of sucky because I
didnt make it to its fullest potential.

Anyways I am back just letting you know
and I will be randomly commenting everybodies journals since
you people I havent talked to in forever.
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