Painted red, sweet arm calligraphy! [3.5/?]

Jun 19, 2008 11:21

  Title: Painted red, sweet arm calligraphy! [3.5/?]
Author: boogymanprodigy
Pairing: FeeXGee
Rating: Soft R
Summary: Gerard is a pretty unpopular student who is obsessed with writing. One day he finds a poem on his his locker door and makes it his job to find the anonymous writer.
Disclaimer: Pure work of fiction!
Warning: Self Mutilation, Swearing, 'Fag Drags'
Authors Note: okay so only a few more days before no updates.

The dark goes away! Just open your eyes! 
Hold on (part 1)

I remember feeling as if I was suffocating. Water filled my lungs and I just let go. I didn’t care about what was waiting for me or who I was or what I still hadn’t accomplished. I just let the sea have its way with me. Somewhere in our struggle to make it back to land, Frank had been pried away from me. I could hear his voice desperately shouting my name in the distance.

It was so cold. My body grew numb. I smiled as darkness began enveloping me. Hello friend have you come to take me home? I let the darkness embrace me like an old childhood buddy who I hadn’t seen in so long. After all, that’s what it was in my mind. I was refreshed with the painful memories of childhood and the more it hurt the more I let myself slip into the blackness. Before soon I was gone.


I know what to do Gee! I read it in a book once!’

Soft. That’s how one can describe Frank’s lips. I felt water coming up my throat, now, hitting against Frank’s soft, gentle lips. “GERARD!” He squeaked in one of the highest pitches I had ever heard as he flung his arms around me. I felt sand under my body. I curled my toes in its warmth and looked up at the bright sky. Frank hovered over me, his eyes twinkling. Seeing him in that moment I felt as if I was madly in love with him. I know it’s crazy but my head still wasn’t thinking very straight.

“I knew it would work! I gave you true love’s kiss and it made you wake up!” he seemed so happy at that moment. Then it struck me. What he said was so childish and I remembered something was wrong with him. Then I remembered I just jumped off a cliff for him. Holy crap! I jumped off a cliff and nearly drowned to death! I sat up, a bit more frantic now that my thoughts were coming to me and logic had fully taken over.

“Frankie what were you thinking!? You almost got us killed” I said shaking him and I saw tears well up in his eyes.

“I saw the people on the TV doing it and I thought you would like me if we did fun stuff like that,” he explained through sobs. Okay I was definitely going to kill Mr. Andrakus for pairing me up with a psychotic retard for a partner.

“Frank, just take me home!” I barked and he nodded, grabbing me by the hand and leading me a long way till we made it to a road, which we followed until we came across his mom’s car. She seemed a bit disappointed to see we came back. I began to wonder if she even cared that her son just jumped off a cliff and if she was hoping for the worst.

We drove back in silence. The only sound filling the car was Frank’s sniffing. It took 3 hours to get home and I realized I had been blindfolded a lot longer than I had earlier thought. When I pressed the doorbell my mom flung the door open, pulling me into her arms, worried sick. She had no idea where I was and I didn’t exactly get to call her. She looked up and gave Frank and his Mom the middle finger and slammed the door shut while pestering me with questions.

“Why are you soaking wet?” She asked. That’s when I told her the whole part of them blindfolding me. Then how we almost drowned. She freaked. “THAT BITCH LET HER SON ALMOST DROWN YOU! Look I am going to have a talk with your English teacher and ask if you can have a new partner or work alone. Okay?” I smiled weakly and agreed. I was just happy I wouldn’t have to put up with Frank any longer.

When I got to my room I realized my door was locked. I banged on the door but nobody answered. I got on my tiptoes, grabbing the pick I wedged in the top of the doorframe in case I ever got locked out, then got down on my knees so I was level with the knob and slid the needle in my doorknob, wiggling it around until I heard the click and my door unlocked. I opened my door to find a paper on my bed.

‘My eyes are stones
You told me truth
But by dawn
Beauty had fallen from sight
These stones are in league with gravity
And green water gurgles over fathoms deep
Where I lie
About the truth
I lie in weeds
Washed back and forth
Tangled, knotted,
And those are stones that once were pearls
My name is unknown. I’m just and ordinary boy...’

I noticed the window was opened. Who was writing these to me? I trudged over to Mikey’s room. He opened the door and I began rambling about how I keep finding these poems and finished with how I found one in my room and he just looked at me like I was crazy.

“Um can you say that in more than one breath?” he grinned and I rolled my eyes.

“Mikes I already told you! This is serious! Somebody is stalking me or something and they won’t even let me know who they are!” I whined. Mikey began to giggle.

“You are a dork! Stalkers don’t want to be found! That is why they are stalkers! Duh.”

“Oh yea that made a lot of sense” I grunted.

“Come on Gee, whoever is giving you these will end up telling you! Just give them time!” I nodded and trudged to my room to do my homework and go to sleep.

I got to school late the next day due to sleeping in. Plus my mom had taken me to school today. By the time we got to school, first period was over. We spent most of second period talking with my English teacher since it was his free period.

Turns out I couldn’t get a new partner unless Frank agreed to it, so, near the end of second period we phoned for him to come out of class. Of course of all days today Frank didn’t show up to school. My mom left angry and wished me a good day of school.

I got to my locker and opened it to find another piece of paper. Before I could read it I felt a hand on my shoulder. I stuffed the paper back in my locker before slamming it, and I turned to see a remorseful Frank Iero.

I felt like punching him. After a moment seeing him on the floor fear in his eyes I realized I did punch him. “Please! I am sorry!” He cried and I was about to hit him again when I saw his eyes water up. I felt guilt overflow me since it seemed like he really couldn’t think straight. Did he even get his medication this morning?

“Gee can you please just skip school and come with me! I can make it up to you.” NO WAY IN HELL THAT IS HAPPENING!

“Fine,” I said, helping him to his feet and scurrying out of the building.

“Frank why didn’t you come to classes today?” I asked.

“Um, my my my mom did did didn’t drive me and uhhhhh she she she said she wasn’t gonna for. .for a while” he said screwing his eyes together.

“Frank did your mom give you any medication today?” I asked, wondering if that’s why he was acting like this.

“N-no. . my my my m-mom s-s-said I fin finished the b-b-bottle y-y-yester-ter-day”

I took a deep breath realizing he couldn’t be in school because he may act up. “How about I take you for some ice cream?” I asked and his face lit up.

“OTAY!” he said childishly before giving me a hug. I smiled and led him to the Tastee Freeze a few blocks away. I ordered a small chocolate ice cream in a waffle dish and Frank got a small sundae.

Of course when it arrived Frank saw it was covered with nuts, which made his nose scrunch up, and he poked it with his spoon, not willing to take a bite. I sighed and switched our frozen treats, and he smiled and dug in. Somehow seeing that smile on his face made every moment of this insanity worth it.

Authors note: Okay so I had two ways in my mind where this story can go. Either Gee can pursue his mystery writer next chapter or he can pursue some Frankie next chapter! Oh and also lets give a round of applause to my stand in BETA



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