
Dec 29, 2006 02:46

I'm going to be 25 in a few days...

I need to stop trying so hard to be five or so years older. I tend to be hard on myself and criticize myself for not being as learned, travelled, experienced, etc., as my many close friends who I look up to. They out-age me by a minimum of 5 years. They are really also my role models, and I should be grateful for learning as much as I have from them. I should not frustrate myself with not quite yet being at their same level, but I should rather be optimistic that I will have all the more preparation to be where they are when I Do reach that age, if not further.

I should embrace this time in my life: this is the time for me to seek my wildest of adventures, meet the craziest and coolest of people, learn more than ever before, and just soak everything in and enjoy the lack of many responsibilities and the abundance of youth.

I'm a college graduate now! I have so many opportunities ahead and I shall explore as many as I can. However, I must never lose sight of who and what I want to be as I progress: intelligent, aware, cultured, experienced, loved, assertive and happy!

I am Dimitri... hear me roar!
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