Procrastination = HOT

Feb 21, 2006 23:02

A - Available? Single and ready to mingle biatch!
A - Age: 20
A - Annoyance: School work, people who chew with their mouths open, mean people, etc.

B - Best Friends? The M14's and of course my G-Phi Bitch Lovers
B - Bar: Don't so much go to bars
B - Birthday? December 6, 1985

C - Crush: there's so many cute boys here I feel like I get a new crush every 5 seconds, ha
C - Country: US
C - Cat: Oh man I'm totals a cat person

D - Dead Pets Name: Wilbur (my goldfish), Holly (the family dog)
D - Dads Name: Jeff
D - Dog: Some are tolerable, but on the whole I'm not a dog person

E - Easiest person to talk to: Whoever's willing to keep up their end of the convo :-)
E - Eggs: Scrambled or hard boiled (but only my Grandma has really mastered this technique)

E - Email: is open all day every day and I am basically obsessed with reading every new message as soon as I see I have one b/c it's a great way to procrastinate... kind of like mindless surveys, muhahahaha. Oh look, here's one now! brb

F - Favorite color? purple and red
F - Food: Chocolate or any food that is good and will give me that full but not about to explode feeling
F - Foreign Slang: come again? I guess Paz and Fred would fall into this category although I don't know that people out there would actually think to put this category in for weirdos like me and Haines, haha.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: worms, no question
G - Good Time: 7:00, or if you mean like in general I'd say time spent with friends
G - Girls: I am one

H - Hair Color: Brown
H - Height: 5'7"
H - Happy: but of course! life is awesome :-)

I - Ice Cream: anything involving chocolate on top of chocolate on top of chocolate, with maybe like some chocolate on the side
I - Instrument: hmm, I sing in the car sometimes... but that's bad. Umm I used to play the flute and could probs remember some if I tried... also I'm quite the triangle/kazoo afficionado ;-)
I - Idol: your mom

J - Jewelery: I always wear my watch and a hair tie on my wrist (or in my hair should the need arise) and my silver ring that Julie Bowes gave me and my diamond ring from my Great Grandma Leman. I also always wear a necklace which is usu my lavalier but sometimes I mix it up.
J - Job: full time student and previous PCAOB all around girl
J - Joke: wish I knew some

K - Kids: umm I think if you are a friend of mine you know my take on kids. However I am slowly trying to warm up to the idea of having them as I'm sure the husband will want some.
K - karate: "with karate I'll kick your ass, here to Tienaman Square. oH yeah motherfucker I'm gonna kick your fuckin dariere yeahhh" Tenacious D anyone?
K - kung fu: remids me of kings with the kung fu rule-- hillar :-)

L - Longest Car Ride: umm probs to beach week or Asheville? Don't remember the precise times for either.
L - Longest Relationship: ummm what was it, like 7 months?
L - Love: is all you need

M - milk flavor: 2%
M - Mothers Name: Kathy
M - Movie Last Watched: Umm that i actually watched was Brokeback Mountain, that I last had on and was awake for the whole thing (but wasn't paying attn) was Zoolander and last that i tried to watch was Finding Neverland, but sleep won out

N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Northern or Southern: I seem to be from VA which is technically southern, but I feel I'm so close to the mason dixon like I can claim northern allegiance without much problem
N - Name: Janet Elaine Partlow

O - ONE WISH: ummmm that I'd be happy for the rest of my life :-) It's been good so far, why not keep up the trend?
O - One Phobia? being alone and rats... I also tend to have irrational fears taht the things in certain scary movies will actually happen to me. read: Saw

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: very happily married!
P - Part of your appearence you like best: my smile or eyes
P - Part of your Personality you like best: that i'm caring and inclusive

Q - Quote: "ohhh life" just because I've said that about 9 billion times today
Q - Question for the next person: what's a good question to ask?
Q - Quick or Slow?: depends on with respect to what

R - Reason to smile: life!
R - Reality TV: Dancing with the Stars and P. Runway-- others too but the actual amount of reality TV that I watch is a tad too shameful to admit

S - Song Last Heard: hmm, whatever was playing in Maria's car when I left-- or I guess technically the figure skating music I can hear playing across the hall
S - Season: I like each for different reasons-- winter for my b-day and christmas, spring cuz it's finally warming up again, summer cuz no school, fall because Charlottesville is pretty much heaven on earth when the leaves are turning colors
S - Sex: what about it?

T - Time you woke up: technically the alarm went off at 9 but I got up at like 9:40 (which, might I add, is quite a feat for a day on which I don't have class til 2!)
T - Time Now: 11:21
T - Time for bed: I mean I'm sleepy and all, but there is reading to be done. Hence I have this great plan of aimlessly messing around on my computer for as long as possible so that I fall asleep as soon as I start reading. Pretty clever right? yeah, I think so too... or at least I will til I fail all my classes

U - Unknown Fact about me: i dunno, I mean if it's worth knowing someone probably knows it
U - Unicorns?: aren't real
U - you are? lots of things

V - Vegetable you hate: sadly I hate most vegetables
V - Vegetable you love: lettuce, but love would be a stretch
V - View on Politics: moderate to liberal, but sort of depends on the issue

W- Worst Habits: biting my cuticles
W- Where are you going to travel next? umm back home for spring break and to myrtle for beach week I suppose
W- Weight: you just don't ask girls that question silly!

X - X-Rays: happen
X - X-Rated Porn: EWW
X - X-xtra special someone: my friends are all extra special to me as is my fam-- no one in the boy department persay though, which I think is what this is actually alluding to

Y - Year you were born: 1985
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow? like my grandma's kitchen... and the writing on the shirt i'm wearing right now

Z - Zoo Animal: baby panda that my mom and sis are obsessed with
Z - Zodiac: sagittarius
Z - Zoolander: hillar no matter how many times i see it
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