Because today's situation reminded me of part of
this post by my comrade Psychox.
Also, note that I'm quoting the following report from my devart blog, where I make a habit of being intentionally politically incorrect for lulz:
"Hura hura today was the final exam! (note: this would be a reference to
a famous Polish rock song)
And for the third year in a row I was in tha house, except this time to represent the control of the older generation as a surveillant, meaning I had to do a whole lot less than any of the 500+ high school students present (mostly walking around, leering at some unfairly pretty asian boy and hiding yawns for a few hours) while getting well paid for it. Not saying I slacked of course. I probably walked quite a few miles in the subdimension of this exam hall (seriously, it's frriggin' enormous,
check it out, a Colossus and a guy on a horse chasing it could almost fit in there), patrolling like a good little nazi. I've mostly been a nice nazi though! After all, I could still sorta relate to the buggers making them tests. I couldn't even feel resent for the one rebel kid reacting all touchy and whiny after I had nicely told him to go drop his coat on the damn stand in the back like everyone else, although that probably had to do more with how funny his rage was in all it's futility. For a few other forgetful candidates I offered to take their coats to the stand myself as an optional gesture of courtesy, but this one didn't respect mah authoritah so he got to walk himself.. because I decided he had to. Oh god, POWERRRRR *shoots lightning from hands*
Anyway, it has been fun! I'm already looking forward to next week's long and mostly eventless full day sessions <3 Hura hura."
Actually in general the surveillant folks are all pretty considerate, lenient and overly helpful (after all, you're mostly just sitting/standing there, staring, and by the time someone in your block raises a finger you'll want to charge straight for it even if it's just to hand out an extra sheet or whatever). There was also this one asian guy politely asking me if he could keep his coat on since he felt like he was falling ill. No prob. Honestly, some of these kids are just causelessly uncivil. Like eggs without targets, not even considering what fucking wall to hit and ending up against mine. Well, fuck you loser and come again at any time if you need someone to friendly recite the silly rules for you once more. I still know them pretty well from having to follow them myself last year ya know.