2019 To-Done List

Dec 30, 2019 18:49

So, here's my yearly round-up post.  I know a lot of these To-Do/ To-Done lists tend to stay the same year-in and year out, but it's still a good idea for me to review them.  This year, I said I was going to emphasize household repairs.... um.... you didn't hold me to that, right?

2) I need to fix the garage door. Which means I really need to get someone out to look at it, update the radio signal to a new code for a new set of garage door remotes, and to fix/ repair the track/ lever thing. Or replace the track and door.
3) I need to repair - or more likely, replace - the outside door to the kitchen.
4) I also need to replace the one window in my living room that’s cracked. It’s possible this will be part of a set replacement, but it completely depends on what I can do at the time.
5) I have a number of outside outlets, and outlets in the kitchen, that do not work. I need to get those fixed.
6) I need to get the door to my bedroom fixed. This *will* be a replacement, because although the door is new, it was hung in-correctly.
7) I need to repair the light above roomie’s vanity.
8) I need to fix the window casings where the prior owner’s dog chewed on them. This may end up being done in conjunction with an update on casements.

Case in point... none of the household maintenance items got done, although I did try to start saving for things....


1) Finish the office updates, which includes:
     b) sand/ paint the shelving  
     c) determine what to do about old card catalog, and enter all books into the new incarnation.

2) I would like to replace the side-light frames of the front door with new solid-side thingies. (I hate the side windows on the front door. You should be able to run around naked in your own house without getting arrested, and the sidelights prevent that. It’s annoying.)
3) I need to primer-paint the bathrooms.
5) I want to get window film for the windows, and also wood casing updates, and curtains. This is an expensive project that will probably be put off until most of the rest of the stuff is done.
5a. I keep forgetting, but this has to wait until I replace the windows. There's currently ugly lattice-work in the windows, which are double-hung jobs. My preference is for German-style windows: unmarred glass, single-hung windows that swing in or out. This will probably need new casements, too, but we'll see.
6) Yes, I’d like to update the kitchen, but that will probably have to wait a while. what's left: cabinets, new appliances, backsplash, new counter-top
7) It is more likely I will be able to paint the master bedroom walls, ceiling, and stencil lines.
8) I also want a wall-mural of Neuschwannstein in winter (which can be done via wallpaper).

Yeah, this stuff didn't happen either.


1) Build another box.  Should go quicker this time
2) Mulch and place and pavers
3) Fill the boxes with soil
6) Seed the boxes with seeds bought from organic farmers.
7) Need to acquire a lawn/leaf bag to catch grass clippings for the compost pile
9) mulch mulch mulch
10) moveable fencing around garden.

So the thing with the garden - I set a couple of child's play-pools in the front yard this year, and grew in there.  This actually worked much better in the spring, and would have worked in the fall, except the deer had a good ole' time eating my squash plants.  I'll probably do this again this year.  Current plan for the far back is to keep it maintained enough to keep the weeds from over-growing it.


1) Price how much it would cost to turn the front ditch into a River Runs Through It
2) Work with Landscaper to generate a plan for my yard
3) Goal: retaining wall done by end of year. 
4) Price out concrete for extra parking space.
5) All I need to do on the furnace patch is the capstones on the 2-stone high wall.
6) Goal: clear and mulch 20ft along the back fence.
7) Mowing upkeep, which at this point includes cutting up the three downed limb-tree-things and burning.
8) Rock the parking area.

So, I actually got the retaining wall done!  I ended up paying a contractor for this, and to also rock another lane in the parking area, because I got tired of parking in the mud this spring.  Same guy pulled down my well pump house, and even with a blue tarp covering it temporarily, it looked better than the old house.  I'm turning the well-pump area into a faux rock formation that I think will work better than the house.


a) Since I did, indeed, put in the archery *lane* last year, my goal for this year is to dig out the rope and stakes so I can secure the target butt I also bought.  And then, I can start practicing!
b) Find the in-work stumpwork piece i was working on, finish it, and enter it into at least one A&S contest. And also:
c) Remember to photograph the garden and the stumpwork as it is being completed.

I did nothing here, but I did finish putting together and decorating a bog coat. I also got the name of the Axemoor or Wyrmgeist Chatelaine, who is a theater costumer i think.  or at least, she's really good at sewing clothes pretty fast.  This is good because I have some fabric and some older garb I need to get rid of as I streamline things.  I'll be sending them to her over the next months so she can fill out the Chateliane's loaner gear chest.


I’m rolling several stitching things this year (as usual). (most of the comments still apply...)

3) Try to make Dorsett buttons this year.
4) Finish another Mag7 Doggie
5) See if I can make more progress on the Christmas cardinals.
6) Laney's sampler (and no, I *didn't* set a single stitch on this last year, why do you ask?)
7) I'm really thinking about doing a 'narrative embroidery' and donating it to the Navy SEAL museum. Right now my goal on this is to decide on a cohesive narrative and draw said narrative out. It's likely that if I get this far, this piece will take over my life for a bit.
8) Finish deck of 52 cards for SCA
9) Finish Fuck Cancer stitchies

Yeah, so, I finished number 9, yay!  Number 8 was sidelined for a while due to the cancer, and also trying to figure out the back of the cards.  I have a plan now thanks to discussions with an artist friend.  Hopefully I can move that along.  I also started a HAED, and would like to make progress on that in 2020.  I also also am trying to finish my WIP box, and moving things into rotation.  I'm pretty chuffed that I'm close to finishing 'Emerald' a heraldic dragon design by Peter Underhill.

1) I still... have those two essays on writing to finish!
2) Finish Seventh Gift
3) See if I can't make progress on the TS cross-over
4) Upload stories to Dreamwidth, and AO3
5) Start Projects on:
a) LB!JD is actually a girl
b) Alternate Ending to 'Something Wicked'
6) Contact Seremela and talk to her about permission to post LMG, since this story depends so heavily on hers.
7) Finish slice-of-life stories
8) Finish Highlander-AU first 3 stories
9) The Bitter Glass (Green Day 'verse story)

Yeah, all this will be rolled over....


1) Organize household items, including
   a) disaster kit
2) Continue going through electric files: pitch/ keep/ organize
3) Make the database for my library
4)Maintain bill filing system
5) Convert VHS and audio tapes to updated platforms. (Contingent on buying platform converters)
6) Make a list of cyclical maintenance duties and times due.
7) pay good chunk of personal CC

So I've made a reasonable start on 2 and 3, and 4 is an on-going small project.  Really need to start on #6.
#7... I was planning on paying off the Credit Card this year, but the fur-baby decided to take on a truck and there were a couple other items that got thrown on there.  End result - will try to pay it off in 2020.  Sooooo close, but soooo far.  If I can pay it off in 2020, the roof loan should also be paid off in quick succession.


Deleting the Kinnect-X, because to get it, I need to do OTHER THINGS first... and also the cross-fit.  Gonna concentrate on the Treadmill thing this year.  Not making surviving cancer a goal, because I intend to beat cancer's ass so hard, it'll hurt cancer's mother.

1) Concentrate on making the Treadmill excursions a habit, at least 2-3x a week.

Notes: Ideal weight-loss should be 1-2 pounds a week.

KICKED CANCER'S ASS.   Cancer free as of end of April, 3-mos check ups have been fine, and the last CAT scan was cancer-free, too.
Started saving for the Treadmill... then the dog and the house ate the savings.  I did order some work-out dvds, and I need to order some different ones.  DVDs have been helping!  but more help is required.  I did get down to 249 this year for the first time in YEARS.  But I refused to look at my weight all Christmas.  However, I'm happy to know it can be done.  I'm so determined to lose weight!  General goal is 5lbs/month.  Hopefully working on it continuously will translate to 225 by this summer or  early fall.


1) Finish that silly chair!
a) make two matching wood sides (this is a dremel-project, and includes finding my tools... somewhere in the garage...)
2) Portable Floor system for SCA GW camping

The flooring system has sort of been prioritized... but not even the first part has been completed.  so sad.  Will keep working on it.


1) Acquire Garden Software to help Plan Garden and Gardening Stages.
3) Acquire a VHS to DVD converter
4) An audio-tape to CD converter,
5) Replace professionally-produced products with the newer professionally-produced versions.
6) Buy a new tv
7) Buy an XBOX 360
8) Kinnect X
9) Consider buying a household organization software
10) Patio/Deck Design Software
11) Household Design Software
12) Get a calligraphy desk and comfortable chair
13) Get a cabinet for use in that area
14) computer desk kit
15) lawn-leaf bag for mower
16) tow-behind cart for mower
17) Rocking Chair
18) Michael Amini furniture set
19) Running boards, tonneau cover, and bed extender for Zeke
20) headboard
21) windows x 3 (for the living room)
22) Treadmill
23) potentially a tablet or netbook
24) Filing cabinet that can handle plastic magazine files...
25) Single folding cot for SCA camping

So, I've got a new TV, although it's because a lightning bolt came in and killed the old TV ded.  I also managed to recycle the old TV! yay!  Deleting the computer desk kit, which I don't remember how long has been on there, because I have a solution for now, and it's a low-priority to replace it.

I bought a tow-behind cart for the mower!  I have yet to use it *facepalms*.

Editing number 18 up there from 'Ashley' to 'Micheal Amini', because Mr Amini's stuff is mouthwatering.

I am indeed working on this from a new Windows netbook/tablet thingie.

Finally, I've got not one, but 2 folding cots for SCA camping.  one for GW camping which has some under-bed space for storage, and will be a firm base for an air mattress.  The other one is for 'simple' camping, just to get me off the ground and give me a head start standing up (it's hell getting old).  So that one's definitely off the list.  So some things are working....

-boogieshoes, in review

-boogieshoes, the busy This entry was originally posted at https://boogieshoes.dreamwidth.org/273493.html. Feel free to comment here or there using OpenID.

house, meta, fanfic, life, garden, listy!, sca

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