this is more an update list than a post-post, but it's time to let people know i'm still alive. i think. *checks pulse* yup, still alive.
so here we go:
*in Feb, at my routine dr's appointment, i was dx'd hypothyroid - the gland isn't making enough hormone. the good thing about this is that now i understand why i was so *completely and utterly* dragged out at the end of last year. also, now that i'm on synthroid, my body isn't fighting losing weight, and 4 mos later, my chemical soup seems to be just about completely in balance. the bad news is... i'm not going to be 'cured' from this - taking pills forever. don't get me wrong, there are FAR worse things in the world, but my health goal has always been to minimize the pills i'm on... this is one step away from that. It does make me very thankful for modern medicine, though.
*2 weeks after my dr's appt, Gulf Wars happened - it's a pretty amazing event when you're not too sick or too glazed over too appreciate it. Otoh, I forgot that last year, the things in my 'Accessories' box had gotten quite damp. I took a few things with me, but decided to clean the rest later... which happened only a couple-3 weeks ago. I lost a couple things to mold - just couldn't kill it, or in the case the belly dance scarf, the jingles were just too rusted to save - but I did save the majority of the items. Since I am trying to streamline my SCA closet, a number of things are going to wind up getting donated, but I'm not entirely sure when.
*more recently, i sewed slipcovers for the couch cushions. this is because in less that 2 years, my dog pretty much shredded the original fabric. Cotton duck is much more resistant to Great Dane claws that the original what-ever-it-is. I'm thinking of going back and sewing slipcovers for the back-cushions, too, so the entire couch is a bright cheerful yellow. it'll match the curtains that way.
*speaking of the great goofus - she gained 10lbs in the past few months. Oops... guess I was a little too enthusiastic about giving her treats. Abbie and I are both on a diet now.
*my diet consists of continuing good food choices, and counting calories and recording non-caffeinated intake. the last two are mostly to keep me honest. My progress this week supports my theory that I'm 95% there, but I needed one last puzzle piece to make it stick... apparently, that's keeping myself accountable.
Abbie's diet consists of limiting her to 1 or 2 treats a day.
*Abbie got a new blankie today - it's Wonder Woman. I thought about giving her Darth Vader to chew on, but then I decided I'd rather she ingested the power of a strong woman than the Dark Side of the Force. She won't miss the cookies. I promise. *hides cookies from Abbie.*
*today, i'm going to start organizing the personal papers in the office. This should cut down on even more clutter, though right now it's mostly clutter limited to the closet.
*I paid off my truck on Thursday! next up: the CC.
*I am 3/4 done of the dual embroidery piece: 'this is your flame... this is your flame on O2'. I will find a way to get and post pictures, because while I love Mary Corbett's needlework site, and the piece would not have happened without the blogs very encouraging tone, I'd like to show her what happens when you let a nerd work stumpwork, lol.
That's all from chez boogie *brushes off dog-hair* you may now go about your business...
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