just out of curiosity, does anyone in fandom on my flist know of a story that takes the
'Magical Healing Cock' trope (FanLore link) to it's logical conclusion - that of making the character an actual sex therapist?
i seem to recall that there was one AU in The Sentinel fandom where the Sentinel could literally f*ck his Guide into health. which is kind of a scary thing, now that i think about it, because what happens if you're already healthy when you have sex? grow the tail that evolved away? maybe turn on some of the bits of 'junk DNA' left over from millions of billions of years of evolution? maybe we shouldn't go there.
anyway, i was wondering about this because i suddenly had a vision of the mag7 guys as a collection of psychiatrists/ psychologists/ therapists. maybe at the '4C Mind and Body Center'. i thought yeah, that might be interesting. the 7 of them working in a whole-body health clinic that integrated therapies for their clients. Josiah, as the oldest and presumably most experienced, could specialize in profiling patients, building a baseline of personality and needs so that the others could tailor the therapies they offered to fit in best.
Nathan could be in some kind of internist/ nutritional balance/ pharmacist position, specializing in integrating medicinal therapies with patient requirements. like, how people with blood pressure medications can't eat grapefruit, or how taking St John's Wort may be a good substitute, but it should be treated like a MAOI drug and the diet adjusted accordingly.
Vin could be the physical therapist, knowing how the body moves, and/or is supposed to move and helping people regain their flexibility and muscle movement.
Ezra could be an occupational therapist. :)
JD could do be the genius who figures out how to handle each patient's accessibility needs, and how to accomodate them.
Chris would be another psychologist, specializing in helping traumatized patients with PTSD and/or wounded warrior type stuff and etc.
And if Buck ain't a sex therapist... i'm not sure where to put him ;) just call him mr. Dr. Ruth.
this idea is up for grabs, if anyone wants to use it. i'm tagging this post as a dream-journal entry so it's easier to find.