i know it's been a while...

Sep 24, 2011 18:23

so, it's been a while since i've updated.  partially, i've been just kind of tired lately, and partially, not much to say.

today was hair and glasses day.  they were going to be last week, but i ended up the morning just as the period cramps hit really bad, but before i got to hair and glasses. :-p  hair was easy - just a wash and a trim, because i have long hair and get split ends.  not bad, but you know, you just gotta go to the hairdresser every so often.  i had my hair twisted up into a bun when i walked in, so the first thing i said to the gal when i undid my bun was 'don't freak'.  'what?'  *bs undoes hair-bun*  'damn, girl - that's some long hair!'  *smirks*

the glasses went as expected - basically, i'm getting older, and my vision is changing a tad, and my perscription needed to be updated.  the doctor had some cool toys to play with, and i asked him a few questions, but basically, i'm ok, no eye problems other than some near-sightedness and a mild astigmatism.  i ended up getting two pairs of glasses - one's for the evening ballet dress :-D  - and the lenses cost a pretty penny - ouch!  glad i decided to put those on the CC.  i'm paying off the CC, but i haven't done the bills in a while, so i wasn't sure exactly where my balance was in my checking acct.  i had the money - just wasn't sure if i had the money in the account i usually pay everything with!

anyway...  a few days ago, there was this link to a MLP generator going around on my flist.  and even though i don't really go for My Little Pony... i generated this :

also, been writing a little bit on the Green Day universe Hallowe'en fic - it's entitled 'The Bitter Glass', and angsty fic is angsty.  i'm... writing an explicit rape scene, and explicit scenes of Vin self-harming, and i'm... trying to do it justice while not pulling any punches while being sensitive and not over-blown.  and it's an uncomfortable fic to write.  i started jotting down notes at work - like i usually do, just to get it out of my head so i can concentrate on *work*.  and then The Scene came to me.  apparently, i pretty much have to write around a scene that presents itself to me in full in my head.  sometimes i get a lot of the fic, this time, it's coming in little bits, possibly because it's kind of stressful just to *write*.  and at that, i'm not intending a 'happy ending', so to speak.  more of a 'it'll get better' hopeful note, both because that's the way it is in real life - things like this just aren't gotten over in an hour, or a few days, or even a week - and because i want other writers to be able to pick up where i leave off.  i want to see other writers' take on this sort of situation, and Chris and Buck comforting Vin and JD understanding but not knowing details (because smart kids pick up on all kinds of shit like that).

but i forgot to email myself the little bit i've started, so it's sitting where it's at right now.

in other writing news, i wrote an essay for beginning embroiderers.  and it's not technique-driven, it's introduction to equipment-driven.  i need to polish it up and put in links, and i'll put it up on the friends of axemoor lj i'm sort of running as a first pass.  but i'm kind of nervous about that - is it too simple?  do people really want to see that kind of thing?  i think there's a need for it, but...

i've finished the 2nd of the 4 baby bibs i'm doing for co-workers. i've started on the Great Ornament project.  i'll probably hate Christmas ornaments by the time i'm done, hee.  but the first one's sewing up fairly quickly.  i'm not sure i'll have it done by sunday night, because i still want to get to my chair cushion, but we'll see.

and that's the state of me, today.  tired, but content, angsty but staying with it.


fic-idea, life, green day

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