Jul 23, 2010 17:13
well, i'm settling in to unemployed life ok. which is to say, i'm actually getting to the point where i'm really excited to see what's out there for me, and i'm totally ready for the next engineering challenge. i'm kinda bouncing over it. otoh, i have to finish updating my resume, which i am in the middle of, and that is the 'ugly' of this post - resume writing sucks ass. you struggle over every phrase and hope and pray you get it right and second guess yourself every time you send it out. *rolls eyes*. i hate writing resumes.
the bad is - had a flat wednesday, and it was because something went through the side-wall of the tire... again. which meant that i had to replace my tire... again. i'm kind of hoping i'll end up moving to a place with less tire-puncturing crap on the ground so i don't end up replacing them before the effin' tread wears off all the time.
the good is... well, i'm excited about the job search. and i'm at 257lbs according to my scale - below the 260lb mark, yay! also, xander in four corners seems to be going right along. luke_jaywalker suggested trying to make it a 100k-word epic, and while i'm not sure i can get to 100k, it's worth trying it as an exercise. originally, i was estimating around 50k, so 100k is a lot of fleshing out, slowing the time line down, building up the plot lines. none of which means it'll be horrible, but definitely, it'll be a stretch for me.
thus ends the state of the mare.
seventh gift,