Guidelines Post: Seventh Gift

Mar 23, 2010 19:55

Buffy/Mag7: OW Crossover

So, some time ago, I mentioned that I'd been thinking about yet another KidFic AU for Mag7.  This AU takes Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and sets him down in Four Corners, circa 1872 or thereabouts.  Here-in are my universe notes:

Universe Notes:

I’ve only seen up to Season 4 at this point, so forgive me if I get some details wrong - the name of Xander’s father, for example.  I have only encountered the First Evil in the one episode where he/it haunts Angel and tries to drive him crazy.  Hopefully, most of this won’t matter, as 1) Xander is really the only character from Buffy in this story, and 2) this fic is set almost entirely in the Magnificent 7’s Old West universe - which would, of course, be pre-canon for Buffy.

Even so, I need to give credit where it’s due:  I got the idea of Xan de-aged, but not de-scarred, from Nozomi, who is writing an Anita Blake crossover on Twisting the Hell Mouth, Brown-Eyed Stray.  This is quite well written, and I encourage you guys to read it.  I suspect Nozomi is going for a more action-adventure type story; I’m going more for a redemption of Chris and Xan story.  Here’s hoping I’ve successfully diverged from her storyline!

The idea of Xan’s father sexually abusing him may or may not be canon.  If it’s fanon, I suppose it’s gone beyond the point of needing credit given, but in case it’s not, I picked up this little idea from XXXX (ok, I'm having trouble finding this story again, but I'll update this post as soon as I find it on TtH), in her story here.  The image stuck with me and made me want to fix it.  A lot.

On the Mag7 side of things, this could be considered a Little Britches-style universe even though the only character who’s been turned into a child is Xander from Buffy, and so I must credit Barbara Hayden and Pat Merritt for creating the LB AU.  I’m also using the idea that the American Old West was a little low on the supernatural element, which is implied in Catseye’s Beginnings, another Buffy/Mag7 crossover that is unfortunately no longer online.  This story is also well-written, and if you’d like to read it, contact me and I will email you a copy.

I thoroughly expect most of the supernatural element to show up in dreams and/or flashbacks in the stories I write in this cross-over universe.  However, in the tradition of Mag7 fandom, I’m opening this up as a shared universe, and other authors are certainly allowed to include Buffy-style monsters in their stories if they so wish.  If you’re so inspired to write in this universe, please feel free, keeping the following guidelines in mind:

Universe Rules/Guides:

1) Open Universe.
2) “The Seventh Gift” is the establishing story for this universe.
3) Xander is an adult in a child’s body in this universe.  He has the experiences, memories, and cognitive responses of an adult, and  
    therefore will do and think things that the average child might not do or think.  He will probably

a.    Scare the crap out of the boys on a regular basis.
     b.    Over-reach his current physical abilities from time to time.
     c.    Be suspicious of other adults and slow to open up, at best.
     d.    Keep as much of his past as secret as possible, especially the parts about demons, slayers, and vampires.

4) Feel free to include Buffy-style monsters/ vampires in any stories you write, but remember that the only person in the town who is currently aware of them and what they can do is Xander.  The other residents of Four Corners fully believe Xander is a child with a lot of abuse issues to get over, so getting the Magnificent 7 to believe him about the reality of such things might be a bit of a problem.

5) No upper limit on level of violence or sex or touchy issues, but please label and warn appropriately, and conform to archive requirements when posting.
6) Please contact me with the name, summary, and location of any stories you post one in this universe, and any corrections to that data if you decide to move it.  I’d like to maintain an up-to-date links post for readers if they decide to explore this universe further.

Happy writing!


fanfic, seventh gift, mag7

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