Been kind of non-active lately....

Aug 14, 2007 22:42

Been busy. Work was rather crazy for a while (like all year). I am however switching jobs at the end of the month (on the 24th actually). There are a lot of reasons for the move, and I don't think that any one really stands out. I've enjoyed working for ITECS for the past 7 years and have not entirely written off the possibility of working there again at some point.

If I am to ever become one of the campus IT barons however, I think it is imperative to start my climb to power now ;D

My work for the next two weeks is focused on positioning. I'm not going to let the work that I have shouldered for the past 6 months to go to waste. It was largely work that I did not want to take on and by golly someone else is going to suffer ;D Honestly, this summer has been really good aside from the finger breaking code scramble. I think the program is my best work yet, and as with everything I do, it's beauty is the seeming simplicity of it. It pretty well culminates what I have been trying to accomplish since I started working at ITECS, a solid solution to a really modern problem: the web.

Let's face it. The web sucks. Sure, it's fun to play on and visit now and then, but working on the web isn't really any more or less pleasant than sanitation work (but thankfully it pays well). I don't say this because I dislike working on the web, but rather because the stupidity that can come along with it is maddening. I am reminded of something someone said to me recently (though I am not reminded of whom said it...) "The more people that become involved in anything, the more stupid it becomes." This proportional relationship pretty much epilogues my year to this point.

I know understand why people change jobs. I certainly don't see myself becoming a career frog.

Somehow the other half of my six pack of Kirin seems to be calling my name... but I think I'll have a fruit pop instead. They are damn good, especially the strawberry ones.

And I need to get one more watermelon milkshake before the season is over. :D
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