Jul 16, 2006 21:46
So Shanes back from Kentucky. O man the excitiment.
no really its pretty kool. I'll be very glad to see him. I've missed him. But he has football like 6-10 all week....so i dont know how this is going to work. maybe by some twist of fate my parents will allow him to come over after football. but i doubt it. cause thatd be to prefect.
me and my mom havent really been getting along very well lately.
so im like talking to Jeff last night....i had already gotton a call from a restircted number...which is what Shanes number comes up as on my phone......but he didnt leave a message so i didnt think it was him. Well as im talking to Jeff he tells me that " Well Shanes back you glad?" Well of course i flipped cause i really hadnt herd from him....and i was mad and sad and i couldnt figure out what i possibley have done to make him not want to tell me he was back. well I went over to Jenny's later on. By the time i got there i was such a mess it wasnt even funny. me and my mom had just had a huge fight too...so that just made it worse.
So Jenny destracted me and i love her for it. but anyways at like one thirty in the morning i get a voicemail. Well it turns out to be from Shane. Hes like "Sarah its me. I was just callin to tell you im back in town. I'll talk to you later. I love you. Bye" so of course i called him right back. we talked for a while...about nothing really. he sounded realy tired or mad or something....i couldnt really tell...but he did say he was tired so thats prollie it.
anyways i talked to him a little while ago...ok like 2 hours ago....and he said hed call me back later. im waiting for him to prove me wrong....and actually call me back like he said.
But for like ever and a half ive been talkin to Jeff. i miss seeing him. this is really the longest ive gone wothout seeing him since i really got to know him at the beginning of my eighth grade year.
and im really sunburnt on my stomach and chest and it hurts:(
anyways heres mine and jeffs lovely conversation::
boogiedown1313: hey
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: hey
boogiedown1313: whats up?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: nothing much you?
boogiedown1313: same
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: ic
boogiedown1313: yuppers
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: Have you talked to Shane yet?
boogiedown1313: yea...uhhh twice
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: Ic
boogiedown1313: he called and left me a voicemail at 130 this morning
boogiedown1313: and i just got done talkin to him like 5 minutes ago
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: You guys alright or what?
boogiedown1313: uhhh
boogiedown1313: idk yet
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o
boogiedown1313: i think we will be...maybe
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: ic
boogiedown1313: yea
boogiedown1313: football tomorrow?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yelp I can't wait
boogiedown1313: awesome
boogiedown1313: what time is it tomorrow...still 4-6?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: nope 6-10
boogiedown1313: like at night?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah
boogiedown1313: kool
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o yeah
boogiedown1313: like that all week
boogiedown1313: ?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah
boogiedown1313: kool.....
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: mhm
JeFf JoNeSy MaN is away at 8:17:55 PM.
JeFf JoNeSy MaN returned at 8:19:07 PM.
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: bored?
boogiedown1313: well yea
boogiedown1313: u??
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o yeah
boogiedown1313: lol
boogiedown1313: do anything exciting today?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: nope just went and got my cleets for football today
boogiedown1313: awesome
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: mhm
boogiedown1313: it was rather hot outside today
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yes it was and yesterday
boogiedown1313: yea
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I think I might go see Clerks 2 this weekend
boogiedown1313: really
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah I might
boogiedown1313: thatd be kool
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o yeah
boogiedown1313: goin by your self?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: idk
boogiedown1313: itd kinda suck to go alone...dont u think
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah lol
boogiedown1313: lol
JeFf JoNeSy MaN is away at 8:29:45 PM.
JeFf JoNeSy MaN returned at 8:49:32 PM.
boogiedown1313: well hello there
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: hi
boogiedown1313: whats up?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: nothing just got some water but about ready to go get some more
boogiedown1313: icic
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah brb
boogiedown1313: mk
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: back
boogiedown1313: kool
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I know I am don't be too excited :D
boogiedown1313: ill try real hard not to be
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: Ok thats good
boogiedown1313: ok
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I think I should send a 5 galon bucket full of peanuts to you
boogiedown1313: what .......y...thats crazy
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: Just for fun cause you don't like them
boogiedown1313: whats a type of food that you dont like
boogiedown1313: ?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: Why would I tell you har har har
boogiedown1313: cause.....uhhh
boogiedown1313: im special enough to know
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: psh who said you were special?
boogiedown1313: i just did....did you miss that part?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I didn't see a sign that came with the package
boogiedown1313: what
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: idk
boogiedown1313: uhhh huh
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: lol o yeah
boogiedown1313: w/e
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I'm kool I know I know
boogiedown1313: what...who said that
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: you did that one time at the place with the stuff
boogiedown1313: what place with what stuff
boogiedown1313: im not remembering this
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: O you know don't worry I remember
boogiedown1313: i think your bluffing
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: psh
boogiedown1313: o...you totally are
boogiedown1313: bluffing
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: nvr
boogiedown1313: yea.....uhh huh
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o yeah I am right I don't bluff
boogiedown1313: sure
boogiedown1313: :: rolls eyes::
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: *slaps your head* Don't roll your eyes at me missy
JeFf JoNeSy MaN::)
boogiedown1313: :'( thats not very nice
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I didn't do it
boogiedown1313: what....
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: It was that other guy who is just as good looking as me
boogiedown1313: what....
boogiedown1313: since when have you been good looking
boogiedown1313: did i miss something
boogiedown1313: ?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: everyday of my life
boogiedown1313: well....we must not be looking at the same person then
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: oh.... *tears*
boogiedown1313: nawwww im just joking
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: sure you are now I am gonna go hug my teddy bear and sing "We are the Champions"
boogiedown1313: awww
boogiedown1313: how cute
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: lol that was a good one
boogiedown1313: yea it was
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I have to remember that one
boogiedown1313: yea..it shouldnt be that hard....
boogiedown1313: rite it down
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: naw it shouldn't.... I don't have anything to write it down on so I'll just remember it
boogiedown1313: ok
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: damn I am bored
boogiedown1313: dude me too
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o yeah dudett
boogiedown1313: listenin to anything?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: nope just watching tv but I was getting ready to listen to music
boogiedown1313: really
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah
boogiedown1313: koolo
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o yeah you listening to anything
boogiedown1313: comercials
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: ah gay
boogiedown1313: yea..well
boogiedown1313: do u still have a dog?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yep have 2
boogiedown1313: really.. tahts kool
boogiedown1313: how long u had them?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: the poodle gay thing for a while but the other dog for like 1 month or 2
boogiedown1313: what made u guys decide to get another one
boogiedown1313: ?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: my cousin cryed her head off for it
boogiedown1313: well thats a good reason
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah I hate that she got to get a dog when we already had one that she liked
boogiedown1313: u not like either of them..i take it?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: no I like the new dog I just don't like the fact that she got to get another one
boogiedown1313: icic
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: How CJ and the other dogs doing?
boogiedown1313: ok.....i guess
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: thats good
boogiedown1313: yup
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: brb
boogiedown1313: mk
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: back
boogiedown1313: kool
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: o yeah
boogiedown1313: im bored
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: me too so I sing woot
boogiedown1313: really
boogiedown1313: i didnt think you could sing
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I can't but I do
boogiedown1313: o.....well thats kool
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I sing when I am alone
boogiedown1313: welll.....
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: .....
boogiedown1313: one day i bet someone sneaks in on you
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: nope I can hear any1 who comes down here
boogiedown1313: you never know
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: O yeah I do
boogiedown1313: ok
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I've never heard you sing ><
boogiedown1313: i know
boogiedown1313: and ive never really herd you sing either
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yes you have that one time
boogiedown1313: what one time?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: Idk it was one time on the phone and I accidently started singing
boogiedown1313: i dont think you were talking to me
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yes I was
boogiedown1313: cause i dont remember that
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: I do
boogiedown1313: huh....wish i did :'(
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: sux for you
boogiedown1313: yea
boogiedown1313: playing your game?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: kinda
boogiedown1313: kinda?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah I am really not paying attention to it but I do have it up
boogiedown1313: y arent u payin attention to it
boogiedown1313: ?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: cause I am talking to you
boogiedown1313: aww now i feel special
JeFf JoNeSy MaN::-)
boogiedown1313: ;-)
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: :)
boogiedown1313: :-P
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: :-P
boogiedown1313: :-D
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: :-D
boogiedown1313: :-)
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: so what you listening to now?
boogiedown1313: comercials again
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: fak that nuking futz
boogiedown1313: :-D
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: heh
boogiedown1313: we should hang out
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah we should
boogiedown1313: now we just have to find time
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah we do
boogiedown1313: thatll be alil bit....challenging
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah...schedual for me
boogiedown1313: huh?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: my schedual like football and stuff that randomly comes up out of nowhere
boogiedown1313: welll......uhhh
boogiedown1313: i think our only true hope...is sundays
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: but usually other then football I do nothing but work arond the house
boogiedown1313: well thats kool
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah
boogiedown1313: i guess......weekends?
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: yeah it would work on weekends
boogiedown1313: ok
JeFf JoNeSy MaN: brb 10 mins
JeFf JoNeSy MaN is away at 9:49:00 PM.